
not everyone is yours

im not disagreeing that carlin was amazing. i just dont think it means all that much as "one for the good guys" that with some luck, history lands in your favour. the more people think like that then the more battles are fought and won or lost through revisionist history.

im not disagreeing with you just stating that if carlin didn't happen to make "supreme court history" then where is your argument

it's such a fun movie. good old time fun.

leave me alone

good. im not looking to have "my issues" responded to. i am looking to discuss the show and not discuss points, constantly halting for the sake of someone else to catch up with retort.

i enjoy the show, less and less each episode, objectively (i think). the first episode was fantastic. but ya, i don't see the point in even calling any of the characters the same names or even the title the same. nobody is the same as they are in the book really. what remains is thinly strung but that is something you

i dont want to talk to you.

would you say the same thing to yourself if you were watching a tv show you thought was terrible?

im not going to talk about how terrible this show is because i know nobody here appreciates it. but if anyone wants to talk about how stupid this thing is, and have read the book, get at me.

good one you really swung that around!


im sure everyone here realizes their own insignificance, i wouldn't stress out over misplaced priorities here.

i accept you in your natural habitat, don't worry. i would never be so rude as to tell you to shut the fuck up.

why are you complaining about complainers? you're just as annoying.

of course men face sexism. in the same way and to the same degree as women? no.

naturally that's the intention

banning anyone from anything for their gender, race, creed should be outlawed and considered passé. ladies get 50% off night on the other hand is totally cool.

"but that would require men to somehow refrain from jumping into arguments that don’t concern them—which is evidently impossible." - coming from a man, pretending to be a journalist.

so you read my comment okeydokey