
nah. you don't call an adaptation the same name with the same character names and then make it a totally different thing. you'd be right if they called this by any other name.

i don't mind this show. it's an alright show on its own. but it will just constantly disappoint by calling itself american gods.

i don't see how it can't be made into a trilogy

you are right. this actually was the most intriguing episode for me with mr world and media scene. but it's still a far cry from what makes "American Gods" so good. if they just wanted to take the concept of gods and make a thing about it why didn't they just do that without ruining the chance of the source material

why bother naming this american gods. they should have just called it something else and let someone do a good adaptation of the source material. i guess someone could always do a movie.

seems like a real bummer to buy a big expensive ticket and plan to go see him and then he cancels. very disrespectful of other peoples time.

i cut glass every day and it can be unreasonably sharp but that was the most ridiculous thing i have ever seen. the marks on his face make some sense yes but projecting right into his neck and severing an artery, there is just no way in hell.

it's funny because probably only fat uggos buy chevys, despite who they found for their "market research"

they all look like they should be in a dating app advertisement i dunno i guess i've lost touch with the world

so what they're saying is that they started a subreddit

god, i don't think i've seen avclub push paid advertising into "content" as hard as they are doing for this show.

hey i'm not the one that keeps bringing up emotional volatility lol

yes, i guess in discussions when one person finishes what they have to say that "triggers" a response by another. that's perceptive but i don't see how it's relevant unless of course you are just using some hackneyed term to avoid regret over your unfortunate choices. i'll assume the better of you and just forget

oh, you will be hearing from me again. especially you as you seem to be on top of everyone who comments something you don't agree with like a pig in shit.

it really was a pointless episode of tv. coming back to the "hello puppy" (which sounds so dumb coming from her like she had never said before in her life) should mean that you went through a transformation, a realization, a cathartic understanding to change what the "hello puppy" means. it should have revealed

what a terrible episode of television

nah, that's an easy one liner for you to say and that's about all

ugh bill callahan has the worst lyrics mixed with some very good ones. he writes like an out of control hangover. also, what a bunch of weird comparisons of people to make.

you explain very well the weird feeling i get watching that relationship.

no drugs in sports? what's next no food?