
Huh. I read it completely differently. I read it as don’t let someone bully you into doing something you aren’t sure about. If you want to say no to the D, then for gosh sakes, say no.

Some of his ideas were so intense that he had to come and whisper them in my ear, to protect his little brother from having his mind irrevocably blown.

100% uncontroversial take:

I think it brought his plot to an epic conclusion. It showed how far he was willing to go for his fire god, that he would do anything for it. Then, in classic GoT fashion, it was all for nothing.

Stannis died because the show did not understand him and/or did not care to.

Look at the lesson this school is teaching; blame the victim, excuse the crime.

For their part, the Union County School district maintains that the subject of the photograph is not the problem, rather their objection is to Arthur’s improper supervision of her private property.

The breadsticks alone put them at least in the middle of the pack.

Boys will be boys!

More “realistic”.

Only bad thing about it is if you start in the middle of the road, you still have to compromise to get it past the Republitards. So with Hillary’s $12, it may end up being $10 and for Bernie it may not be 15 but you can bet it will at-least be $12. You can’t start your position at an already compromised mindset, you

I was actually pretty disappointed in the premiere.

His in-ring career may be over but if they don’t do *something* with him, the WWE is just throwing money away. Have him manage? Start a faction to manage? Have him be a ‘fun GM’ on Raw (like Mick Foley did)? Hell, make him an authority figure down on NXT.

Like, I’m definitely going to shit talk about Cam because he kicked the shit out of my Seahawks so I hate him now, but that’s how you do football.

It’s petulant unless you’re Mike Ditka, Bill Belichik, Tom Coughlin, Bill Parcells, or a host of other veteran guys who have gotten salty with the media after a loss.

What about that dude Talib on the Broncos who was given 3 separate penalties for basically being a bullying douche? Started a sidelines fight, grabbed another player by his facemask and rolled him over.... I was appalled by it. And through it all he had that same smug look Kobe Bryant likes to have.

Jay Cutler straight up shoves his teammates and doesn’t nearly get the same level of shit. Carson Palmer tells the crowd to suck his dick and more or less nothing. While immature at times, Cam Newton is not the evil monster that some people make him out to be. He is great in the community and a generally jovial guy.

The issue isn’t whether or not his behavior was immature (again, it was IMO), the issue is whether or not it gets a disproportionate amount of attention because of his race. I’d say it most DEFINITELY does. Peyton Manning has blamed teammates after losses and as another commenter pointed out, didn’t even shake Drew

Here’s the thing: you are right about Cam, but that criticism can also be applied to like, a bajillion white football players in the league who have not gotten NEARLY the heat for it that Cam does.

I think it’s nonsense. Peyton Manning has straight up blamed his whole team for loses in the past. No one ever calls him names. I honestly don’t see how making someone answer questions straight after losing the biggest game of their career will produce anything but petulance or rote answers anyway.