Sharon Newmann

I read Hamlet in school last year and I could not get through it without singing through the entire Hamlet: The Musical in my head. Cheesy? Heck yeah. Hilarious? What's the contradiction?
"Danish pastry for two, for me and for youuuuuuuuu!"

Broadchurch was ITV… (It was somehow associated with BBC America, though.)
I'd point out Sherlock, personally, but that's me.

Hey, Rockland County has finally been represented on a NYC crime procedural! New York's smallest county is forgotten no longer!

For what it's worth (obviously not much) I like Freeman better AS WATSON AS DEPICTED IN THE BOOKS. Liu is her roomie's partner in the detective business- Freeman is the BFF who may not understand everything that Sherlock does, but he can admire it and jump in to do some pretty badass stuff when he wants. The whole

Well, that's canon, so you can't do it… (Well, Sarah and Mary/ Susan and Mary weren't twins, but the case hinged on the fact that the three sisters had the same ears.)

As soon as I heard Phillips ask Lestrade out for coffee, it was so OBVIOUS that it was Sherlock. I mean apparently it wasn't, but it WAS.

The problem with the whole Watson plateau is that there's nowhere to really go with their relationship unless she leaves (which I think at this point would be a good idea, if only to show Sherlock just how much her being there means). In canon, Watson was the occasional chronicler (see BBC Watson, who has his faults

I like the teeny tiny canon reference about Sherlock having a regular correspondent whom he knows only by a pseudonym and whose information he resists uncovering. For different reasons, of course…

I like the "curious incident of the dog in the nighttime" reference…

I haven't read it (my library doesn't have it) but I'm not sure I will- Snuff scarred me enough that I'm not sure I want to face such a disappointment again. I was so depressed at how many of my favorite characters had just been abandoned and flattened out (oh my god, what did he DO to Willikins…) and how the writing

Oh my god, that's the kid from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory…

I agree- I remember the first time watching them (in 2013, all in a row) and first watching Utopia (awesome!) then watching The Sound of Drums (cool! what's next?) and then… oh, Davies, what did you just do to me? Last of the Time Lords was just a fiasco.