I assumed you meant Grimes and Musk.
I assumed you meant Grimes and Musk.
I think it’s partly that her support was limited to what you are terming “establishment” voters. Essentially, she was really, really popular among under-40 college-educated voters, but not particularly popular outside of that demographic.
I mean, to be fair, I wouldn’t be shocked to learn that the two of them were diagnosed with the same personality disorder.
But, in her mind, Musk isn’t “buying yachts.”
This is total spitballing (and not Maduro-specific*), but my wild guess is it’s a desire (conscious or unconscious) to keep women in their place. I’m not a parent, but I imagine it’s worlds harder to organize and fight back when you’re also caring for children. Parenting is exhausting enough, and six kids? Women will…
Oh wow, so Venezuela also has a president that doesn’t know how things work either and is so far in over his head. People really aren’t all that different after all.
Hasn’t he learned? More children never fix a bad relationship.
After starting out with so many exciting candidates, it’s really frustrating to end up back here with Biden. I’ll vote for him, but I truly don’t think he will inspire people to get to the polls the way Bernie would have. And Warren’s delegate count actually makes me furious... what are Americans thinking?
If that grass roots campaign gets squashed by yet another moderate centrist, theres going to be a huge chunk of no shows at the polls.
The wrong candidate is anyone to the right of Warren.
Says who?
Good policy is ageless.
Nah. Biden’s been pretty clear about choosing a woman, and a woman of color at that (Kamala Harris is likely). Both Pete and Amy didn’t have a path forward, and were both pretty anti-Bernie, so it makes sense they would drop out now to coalesce behind whoever is best positioned to thwart him. Pete was probably offered…
I have absolutely no trouble believing that if the Democratic Party leadership has to choose between defeating Trump and preserving their intra-party power, they’ll choose the second without the slightest hesitation
It looks like there’s an effort to consolidate support for Biden before super Tuesday, which means I’m likely strategically voting for Sanders rather than Warren now. I urge others who think we need to try something new (and beat Trump) to do the same. My heart will always be with Liz but there’s a time when you’ve…
There’s actually a worse possibility: it’s Bernie who gets the plurality, but Biden who gets the nod.
No way. He hasn’t campaigned in any Super Tuesday state in over a month and he has 1 office in California. He’s spending hundreds of thousands on ads when Bernie and even Warren are spending millions, and Bloombergs in about half a billion. He’s banking on his South Carolina win to boost him back into the lead, in 3…
Specifically, it’s going to be a plurality for Bernie Sanders, and these behind-the-scenes shenanigans will be used as additional justification to choose Biden anyway, who will then go on to lose to Trump, who will destroy human civilization in his second or third term. Oh well.
Kinda weird that the one thing you settled on as Pete getting unfairly shit on was his complete inability to attract *any* black voters. Like, that was not an accident. It wasn’t just because Joe Biden is in the race. It was an absolutely legitimate concern with Buttigieg.