
*penny ante

I’d like to see an article that traces the experiences of white immigrant and a black slave in 1776, following their families through the decades to demonstrate how the white family was able to build wealth while similar opportunities were denied to the black family. A running “score” in the form of wealth

More cops die from crashing their patrol cars than by enemy gunfire but cops aint out their shooting their own cars because they feared for their lives.

Man, there are so many deadly weapons cops have to face; their job just sounds terrifying. Let’s review:

Or...people know damn well that the cops are inherently anti-Black.

Alternatively, she could shut the fuck up about her #SponCon vacation being cancelled and how she plans to “hit” the resort next year when people who actually live on that island are at great physical and material risk. It costs zero dollars and zero sense to have some fucking humanity and realize not everything is

My aunt & mother were friends with Phillip Bailey & his wife. I used to share a crib w/his son when I was a baby! LOL.

Ah, the “[teenage] boys will be [teenage] boys” defense.

Yeah, Rita is an idiot troll.

That’s the point you don’t get dumbass, there is no “equivalency”! If white-on-white and black-on-black are equal it STILL doesn’t diminish the FACT that you are committing HALF of all violent crime while making up a TINY percentage of our population!!

First off, these are stats for arrests, NOT convictions. There’s a massive difference between the too.

You’re nicer than me. What Rite needs is a big dose of powerlessness.

Interesting. I read someone say they’re out of work and my first thoughts are “There but for the grace of God...” Your first thought was to give them a smattering of Ayn Rand with a suggestion to panic on the side. May you never be powerless.

I am sorry for your job loss and hope you find something soon. That being said, why haven’t you already sold some assets to raise cash? You can’t know how long the dry spell will last.

Exactly: If Damore’s “memo” wasn’t proof that the guy was not a great analytical thinker, these tweets prove that he’s a first class idiot. The smug tone he had before has exploded since other idiots started engaging and the rest of us started paying attention.

I say we let him keep the welfare benefits, and take away enough of his assets so that he is actually eligible. Seems a lot like justice.

He probably bought a ton of mayo and unseasoned chicken.

This is how they are. Just lazy. Using my hard earned tax dollars and buying foolishness. I bet he used it for dumb stuff like brioche bread and celery water. I try not to be hateful but she how they just take from the government. Freaking Leeches.

Because whites lives in a perpetual, hypocritical reality. Double standards only apply to others.

“How does being black and not liking Trump automatically become an ASSumption about not working for a living and leaving the country?”