i did like the reconciliation between him and leo (esp. his death scene).
i did like the reconciliation between him and leo (esp. his death scene).
originally misread duck for dick, but the sentiment is the same any way you read it.
i’m a 50+ old as dirt mummy and i remember my highschool classmates shaving their eyebrows and drawing thin lined arches. and they also drew pencil marks around their lips. so when the hell did this chola supersede my high school experience. they need to stop claiming. in my estimation any latino here in the states…
methinks black conservative might actually be a white troll who would fit in better at stormfront. just my suspicion...
i always had the suspicion that all those canada clues is because trebek (a canadian), in his godhood, has decided that u.s. citizens are woefully uninformed about their neighbors to the north.
initially i thought he was better than his children because they were the initial ones yapping to the press. but as time has gone by, he has proven that HE is the reason they are the way they are. like father, like brats.
one has to wonder if julie chen will continue on the talk or big brother after this hits the courts? will they even talk about this on the talk? one wonders...
i’m thinking someone from one of the csi incarnations, without a trace or cold case...
i want their names and faces plastered all over the media. is there a way to do this? maybe some foia recourse?
she’ll fit right in with the family of dick flashers and pussy grabbers.
incel froggy
you can also dismiss.
correction: “isn’t one of those...”
i flagged him just this morning with the same cut-and-paste used on another article. my pet peeve is i don’t think the kinjaverse takes flagging seriously enough. at least with dismissed, you can immediately see the results whereas we have to hope the moderator is one of those “free speech at any cost” including the…
ironically you mention “blackwashing” the lone ranger when in reality the lone ranger was based on a black man, and therefore the imagery was in effect “whitewashed.”
in the pic above, he looks so much like gomer pyle, it’s uncanny.
roaches tried to reply; immediately sprayed some digital raid (in other words, their asses are dismissed).
had to flag a lot of “spam” on this article. the racists won’t leave us alone no matter where we are. the roaches simply refuse to remain at stormfront.
why is angela rye caping for this man?
They’re gonna get left behind...