
Neither, just an anecdote. I never liked or hated the song, and I think it's interesting that something so banal could inspire either a hatesong or someone's coming-of-age.

Irrespective of its bland, lukewarm nature, that song was the catalyst for my childhood best friend finally experiencing normal preteen interest in pop music. She had been taking piano lessons since she was three years old and only listened to classical music. She rarely watched television and avoided every trend. But

"Chardo's murder" — huh? Chardo was only in the second episode of season 1, never to be heard from again after the PCHers jumped him out of the gang. Do you mean Felix's murder?

The character's name is Tad, not Ted. It's a shame how poorly the Veronica Mars TV Club series is edited.

Pretty sure Veronica says "Manila Whore Barbie," not "Vanilla Whore Barbie."

I've never seen it. I am a fan of Rufus Wainwright so I looked at the Wikipedia page for Hallelujah, because I had read that he did that movie version.

No problem. I will try to infuse future comments with sufficient mirth so as not to be misunderstood.

Wow, that was unnecessarily nasty. I didn't intend vitriol.

The version in the movie Shrek is John Cale, and on the movie soundtrack it's Rufus Wainwright. I think if you're gonna hate a song, you should at least have your facts straight, bucko.