Space Sloth

It’s about historical accuracy” is the new “it’s about ethics in game journalism”?

Nobody cares.

Imagine being so insecure that a fake woman holding a position of authority in a videogame made you uncomfortable. I'm not at all surprised that their celebacy is involuntary.

Seriously. If you’re not going to put in the time and effort to train a small monkey or a ferret, just stay home.

Seemed pretty clear to me. He’s been telling his editorial department for the last 3 years that the story wasn’t done yet and instead of most recently putting in a 6 month notification that the story was ending he never put in official notice through the proper channels so he has to continue the story for a few more

I hope someone puts together a highlight reel of all the coaching this guy’s ignored and all the obscenities he’s ignored from male players. The violation for coaching was chickenshit at best, and that game penalty was fucking absurd.

To answer honestly: I thought it was surprising—and worth writing about—at least in part because Netflix, one of the most loudly self-promoting companies in the business, never says anything about this side of its business, ever. (Although they did release a app last year.) So it’s very easy to forget this

I personally find the idea of giving a homeless person and then trying to police how they spend it as classist. In any other instance people usually don’t police what people do with their given gift. It’s even worse because this wasn’t their money.


I am glad to know that ‘catsuit’ is her own term! I still kind of wish people would write about it like “The unitard, which Ms. Williams calls her ‘catsuit’ which is awesome for her but I am not touching that, was called into question by French dickwads today...” but I am not a journalist, so who am I to say?

You’re right! Personally I went with “catsuit” because Serena used the term herself to describe her outfit (I think because of the superhero vibes) but it’s basically a unitard.

Am I showing my age (having grown up with 2nd wave feminish) that I can’t stand it when people refer to this as a ‘catsuit’? Do wrestlers wear minicatsuits? If a male tennis player wanted to wear a singlet (like a wrestler) or a unitard (like a speed skater), would it be discussed with such casually sexualizing

He doesn’t work for the company when he recorded the video. So he can’t be representing it. The only person representing the company is the idiot who fired him. He can ask him all he wants, but has no authority to make him stop.

It think it’s dynamite. Real talk: there’s a lot of folks who say that Max Payne 3 was bad or somehow not a good Max Payne game and I just don’t get it. It’s Rockstar’s best game after Red Dead Redemption.

what are jokes

But... But... THE INTERIOR IS NOT THE BRADY BUNCH SET!!! The house doesn’t need to be “restored to its 70s glory” because all its 70s glory was in its curb appeal. The house exterior doesn’t remotely match the set. So, SO dumb.

He left out the part where the server had already been examined and copied by the FBI prior to wiping. 

well the best proof would be that the machines are air gapped.

The remote access to the PA machines was over 10 years ago - the issue was their claim that it had never been there and it was, a decade before, but that is different from it being there now; and the present machines are not connected to the internet.


Gita - You’re one of my favorite Kotaku writers and this is one of my main goto daily sites and you’ve highlighted one of my best friend’s music projects and I am so happy right now.

Eh, I disagree. He had already given the front-row kid a ball, and so he gave this ball to another kid who (presumably) hadn’t gotten one. That seems to me like the good and just thing to do.