
Epic’s store leaks user data like a sieve, lacks very nearly every feature Steam has (most notably, ratings, reviews and cloud-based save options), and is 40% owned by Tencent - the company that’s *so very friendly* with the Chinese government that it’s in charge of building China’s draconian “social credit” system.

Is the demo available to the general public? I don’t doubt that the recent coverage of Anthem has been accurate. But I would like to see what the consensus is amongst regular Bioware players. I’m a bit reluctant to plunk down money on this game ever since Destiny burned me.

I know comparing Anthem to Destiny is like

That would be urination, no?
Defecation is the poops.
Nobody uses the word defecate in relation to pissing.

If you defecate and reproduce using the same organ, you may need to see a doctor.

So, don’t pick those players to play with maybe?

He... sounds unreachable. 

That’s an insane price. At $50, I would recommend it only to people with a strong interest in music who are looking for something unique to play occasionally. At $20 or below, it’s a total no-brainer for anyone who has even a passing interest in fun.

That’s an insane price. At $50, I would recommend it only to people with a strong interest in music who are looking


What would have happened if you paid each of them to attack one of the others?

To be fair, Epic Games ripped off an entire goddamn game and got away with it. What’s one little dance in the grand scheme of things?

It’s not about using the dance. It’s about SELLING the dance as add-on content without giving proper credit and compensation.

hey look, english is not my native language but I got a question

That’s like saying you can’t own a song, cause we all have voices. Can’t own a book, cause we all have fingers to write. Can’t own a game, cause can all type code. Absurd argument.

It seems like it would be cheaper and easier to just get a Raspberry Pi, put the emulator and games on it, grab a retro controller if you so desire, and play whatever you want.

How so? New Vegas is their most well known game, by a massive margin, and it’s the game that most resembles this one. It’as basic marketing. There’s no “dig.

(One of those players, NathanTheHicc, told Eurogamer that he doesn’t regret role-playing a hate crime in the game and wouldn’t apologize if given the chance. “It was just a late night of having fun and after the first encounter (seen on my channel) we felt it would be fun to offend them somehow,” he said. “You can

“You assuming they do is naive. Stop playing the victim. You aren’t getting banned, I am sorry. Stop milking it.”

Streaming isn’t going away. This makes my crusty, curmudgeonly heart heavy.

Dude. The rich white dude who plays video games for a living is “under more pressure than many?” Because he continues to do the thing that made him rich and subsequently eats shit for it online sometimes because he’s an unrepentant asshole? Really???? They don’t make violins small enough for that, my dude.

PSA: D-Pads are still trash. Don’t waste your money on this garbage. I have the 2nd revision black and it’s terrible.

PSA: D-Pads are still trash. Don’t waste your money on this garbage. I have the 2nd revision black and it’s