Track: I Ain’t No Joke | Artists: Eric B. & Rakim | Album: Paid in Full
Track: I Ain’t No Joke | Artists: Eric B. & Rakim | Album: Paid in Full
Seems fucked up to offer a Kickstarter campaign for a relatively straightforward symphony then delay it years because you’re “developing new technology”. Sounds like horseshit.
So, they admit they know without investigation yet they don’t like how the system they built behaves. So glad I didn’t get it on xbl sales these past days. Not even worth my 20$. And being this mainstream means they will get away with the backlash easily. Fml and their fans.
this guy is completely clueless of the kind of training and discipline that goes into being something like a top 8 Evolution competitor in Street Fighter.
“And he doesn’t think esports are ‘sports.’”
They do let you... on a PC.
Sounds like a fantastic idea that’ll get enormously hampered by issues with stock.
A lot of these are done with just Stasis. In the case of the Yiga Clan ones, the basic idea is to use Stasis on an object, beat the heck out of it so that it will fly toward the enemy, then talk to the enemy right before Stasis breaks. Talking pauses the game, so when the conversation ends, Stasis breaks and a large…
All of these clips were using normal-in game gameplay, save for the one where Link glitched into a Bokoblin; IDK how that one happened.
Way to assume it was a man, and that something actually even occurred.
Not sure what is more disturbing; that Telltale used that image, or the reaction of that Twitter user. I don’t get the humor.
Heartland is a remake of Warhawk from COD Ghosts.
Totally agree, I think the game looks great. I think the models look updated, while still keeping the feel of the first two. Feels like best of both worlds to me.
I’m trying to find where the “ass” is in that trailer. This is what our expectations have become?
It is an arcade game in Japan, yeah. Arcades there are a bit more prominent than in the USA though.
I know here in Arizona we have... at least one? One of our malls has a big one with pinball, video games, and skee-ball/carnival games called Tilt Studio, and I think it’s part of a chain. There’s also Dave and Busters,…
After five games you should have a good idea whether or not this game is for you. It’s not like the word “Uncharted” is hiding in small print.
Wow, another clueless video game store clerk. thats...new. :-/
You were right to get in trouble for this take.
I just got this on sale a couple weeks ago for about the same price, REALLY SOLID little speaker.
I just got this on sale a couple weeks ago for about the same price, REALLY SOLID little speaker.