
Yes a few minutes is ‘frustratingly slow’. Because you very much can end up in a loop of wait for match, connect, get disconnected, wait for match, connect, get disconnected, wait for match, connect, get disconnected.

For 4k gaming I’d recommend a 1080ti or at least a 1080.

So what you’re saying is that he is looking for a true PAL.


Look what I can do.

I think the issue is Muslims not wanting references to Islam in video games.

Guess you guys just crapped out.

Unintentional Religious References is also the name of my thrash band.

Where’s the source for the $20k number? As Alex didn’t mention anything about actual numbers so far, and I don’t see any actual sources for the attendance etc?

Too many people relying on Kotaku’s half-baked reporting are jumping on your arse over this TBH.

They could have saved a few bucks if they had a ball pit.

Why in the world would you hold something like this over Easter weekend? That just seems stupid.

Hey. This is the Tom Lipschultz in question. As a general comment, I’d like to suggest that people read the entire discussion on our forums before forming any sort of judgment here.

A lot of German soldiers thought they were fighting for their country, not a genocide. Many had no idea there were even death camps. Making them all racist by default would make it completely uninteresting.

I don’t give a shit if they do what’s been done 20x over as long as it’s done well.

What, you think BF1 was made in a week? Don’t think for a second that they don’t both know what the other guy is doing.

In consoles the chest is half buried and Link walk in the floor of sand but chest is too low to be detected and show the OPEN option.

well...he was 16 when he started selling it...that’s usually where 16 year olds live

I have no idea how I could have ever played Contra without the code. That game was not made for children!