
I have a Motorola Z play and that’s USB-C and I hate it but luckily my Nintendo switch pro controller cord will charge it. I actually love USB-C I just hate that all my other stuff is different

I have a Motorola Z play and that’s USB-C and I hate it but luckily my Nintendo switch pro controller cord will

Just a reminder that anyone who is interested in Skyrim and hasn’t already played it can play it free this weekend on Xbox. The remastered version. It’s also 50% off right now

What’s the new remake map this time?

I’m not trying to sound like some snooty person with money or put you down or anything but 4K TVs aren’t really that new anymore and they’re super cheap right now I just saw a 42 inch Vizio 4K at Best Buy yesterday for $400 or an Insignia for $300. Those aren’t great TVs but for people who complain about how much they

I went to Dave and Busters in Philly in 1995 and it was awesome. it had an imax theater where the seats moved, some of the coolest games ever, tons of pool tables, and great food and drink. My buddy went last year and said it kind of sucks now but being a chain place I bet some are good and some aren’t. They are about

when you say “arcade game” do you mean I can go to an arcade and put quarters in and play this? (albeit, probably in Japan and probably dollars now). I am so disappointed in the arcade scene as of late. Going to Ocean City, NJ or Ocean City, MD in the summer and seeing all the newest greatest arcade games was my

i get very frustrated when trying to use the mobile site. the articles load but the ads take an extra few seconds and then the page is jumping all over the damn place. Maybe its my phone, maybe its not good enough. Its a Motorola Z Play. I always think there are a lot of ads too. Works fine on PC for me.

was interested in this game just because its Uncharted even though I got like almost 40 games unplayed yet. (Note to self: stop buying games) Now that I have read about the winky face I want it immediately and need to delete all my FFXV screenshots to make way for a million of these.

As much as it makes the young people laugh insulting your readers is never a good action

I will purchase this today and will never call it anything other than GI Joeverwatch ever again. Great name!

I feel like that was just you. I would even argue that the amount of games they sold proves that people liked it. I loved Sonic growing up and everyone else I know loved it too. That one Sonic game let you use the VMU to grow some sort of eggs and hatch them and then put them in the game and that was really cool for

I agree. If there aren’t any weapons its not mario kart, its just a crappy cartoon racer then.

Thanks for the info

Thanks for the info

Thanks. Everybody seems to like them so I’m gonna try them out

Thanks. Everybody seems to like them so I’m gonna try them out

I thought the Taco flavored one just tasted like the million billion other taco flavored things out there. I find it unoriginal and mediocre. I thought the Fried Green tomato ones tasted good and like a some sort of BBQ variant but I dont like tomatoes and never had fried green tomatoes. My friends said they did not

I’ve never owned any Anker products yet but I see them for sale on Kotaku a lot and the artticles always act like they are the greatest products ever. You guys give them so much praise that it makes me wonder if Kotaku and Anker have some sort of association or are the products just that good? I keep thinking of

I’ve never owned any Anker products yet but I see them for sale on Kotaku a lot and the artticles always act like

I have been waiting for the console version cause my friends don’t have PCs. Should I keep waiting or just dive in?

This is like baning a person for looking at your section of the screen in GoldenEye. Absolutely ridiculous if you ask me. If you don’t want people to know where you are then don’t broadcast it to everyone. Problem solved.

it says out of stock :(

it says out of stock :(

Great deal but for Prime members only

Great deal but for Prime members only