
If you decline in the opposite direction, isn’t that rising?

I don’t work at deadspin, and fuck Barstool. They’re a shit company with a readership of assholes.

the fact that a number of Fusion Media Group employees have been on the receiving end of misogynist and/or racist abuse from Barstool employees and fans

I’m not saying anything other Black women aren’t saying all over social media, in books, and in their real lives. White women are choosing to ignore it and us as usual.

Black women don’t just shake the table, we throw the table out the window. I didn’t participate in the New York Women’s March because it is a march for White women. I will wait for our marches. However, it is important for famous Black women like Viola Davis to go to these things and tell White women truths they don’t

It’ll be sharing a room with whomever designed those Timberwolves jerseys.


Will the Bill Murray thing ever be over?

I didn’t know their goals included beating women

Moreover, as a nonessential employee, Blake Bortles will also not be available for tomorrow’s game.

The government is on its knees and disrespecting the troops. Sad!

No. This is magical negro bullshit. Make the world better by teaching white girls some Black people shit. Might as well call it The Help: College Years. Or Bring It On: Just For The Hell Of It. Double thumbs down if at any point someone utters “You Go Girl.”

What if the ham sandwich is drenched in mayo?

Yup. Some asshole made that up to start shit. It was completely fake. Interestingly, though, plenty of Black men took the opportunity to trash Black women online.

I like how casually dismissive you are of the labor it takes to process trauma in order to admit victimhood. PTSD, anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, all of those drain the life right out of people and here you are, acting like it’s no big deal. And you’re incredibly wrong about millennials being “work shy”. There’s

She literally said that she didn’t want have sex with him on the first date and that she was uncomfortable. How is that not a “no”?

Samantha Bee said it well. No one is disingenuous as to say Ansari is like Weinstein and that he should lose his job or be criminally charged. But if you are going to wear a #TimesUp pin and have a public persona as a feminist, you should know that your interactions with a woman was considered violating and coercive.

No one expected her to literally incorporate intersectional feminism as a theoretical term into the novel. That’s not what Clarkisha Kent is saying. It’s not like people weren’t aware of the complicated intersection of race and gender before the term was employed. That theory didn’t emerge from a vacuum. It’s a

Exactly this..

Aziz went and made his whole fucking brand “woke feminist ally.” You don’t get to do that, then decide your new standard for behaviour on a date is “not criminally actionable.”

Duly Noted.