
It’s to each THEIR own now

This guy thinks we hold the office of the President to the same standards we hold board game players. 

We spell it ‘grey’ where I live.  To each his or her own.

Or without rolling one pant leg up.

It’s crazy that in a sport based on head kicks and choke outs the most dangerous part is the weight cut.

When Brett joined Twitter his avatar was the overhead view of this. Greastest troll ever.

Geez Brett, did you gain weight? A LOT of weight?

Do you now a lot of “older folks”? I know a few. They’re pretty much like me. Maybe not as handsome. I’ve found that most people are good. Some are dicks. there are varying tendencies for why. For older people maybe because we see a little of ourselves in the young people and reminds us of what buttholes we were. For

Well that makes you more self-aware than a lot of older folks. There’s plenty of people that look back at their misbegotten youth with the rosiest of rose colored glasses and you couldn’t pull an admission that they were ever dumb-ass, insufferable little shits once upon a time, out of them with a damn Sherman tank. 

I agree. It has nothing to do with millennials. I’m not a millennial, yet I was 25 at one point in time. And I was a fucking ass hat. And so were my 20 something friends. It’s just the way things are. I’d like to go back and straighten some shit out with myself as a young man 100%.

But the Model 3 no make vroom vroom sounds?

So weird that they recovered to win a cup and rebounded to be good again now.

I just want to know how you’d configure it to hold 7 people even remotely comfortably...

Why do you people defend him like your his new girl?

But it sure is going to brag about how close it got!

I don’t hold out too much hope for these guys; they did just miss their exit 500 times in a row, after all.

I’m willing to wager that the number of people who care about 0-60 times and RWD when looking for an electric vehicle that costs ~$35K could be considered a statistical anomaly. The thing that would nudge them towards Tesla over the others is name recognition more than anything else.

This is a good description of what futures are. What wasn’t said is why futures exist in the first place. Take any farm product future as an example. Farmers, typically, have their expenses throughout the year and only have income when crops/livestock mature. This is a scary proposition with market pricing being

Just start an Arctic Race Series. Have an ice road rally, and a few Northern Canada tracks and you’re set.

I would LOVE to take public transit everywhere, but it’s simply not practical where I live. Getting a few miles across town would literally take hours on the bus and cost $2. A $5 10-minute Lyft ride is a significantly better proposition. I definitely agree that mileage definitely will vary depending on where you