
If you were willing to pay $100 for coin (or even $50 that some people got), then $155 should actually be a good deal since coin wasn't rechargeable and had a battery life of about 1 year estimated while this theoretically has wireless charging.

They didn't hold it for ransom....They just refused to return it to Apple and proceeded to publish a story about it.

Disclaimer, I am NOT implying the CEO did anything illegal. Knowing everything he knew, the CEO made the decisions he needed for his and his family. As long as the 8k and 10k filings are accurate and representative, this person has done NOTHING wrong.

So using a little math and the SEC filings insiders have to do, the CEO sold 175,686 shares (worth $936,755) in 2012, 100,068 shares (worth $699,262) in 2013 aaaaaand 1,050,671 shares (worth $13, 536,569) in 2014....A little lesson to all the people who pushed this $4-$8 stock to $20 because it was announced they

Well you can look at GM, American Airlines, Delta Airlines, and Eddie Bauer are some examples of companies that have filed for chapter 11.

From the images it seems the pressurized gas is sealed in a secondary container.

More efficient LEDs sound like a weird thing to me....Here is a thing that is 90%+ more efficient than what we used for hundreds of years, made waaay more efficient about 10 years after the first LED lightbulb was introduced into consumer markets. I love science!

For-profit corporations have no incentive (nevermind the insufficient capital) to invest in a 20-30 year project that will pay off 20-30 years after that. It seems like the majority of Americans don't have the foresight to realize that automobile transportation at our scales are unsustainable. Funny thing though is

Craft beards? I think you meant crafted beards drinking craft beers.

The truth probably is even more shocking that what they said. Being a life-sciences major and working in the health-care industry I'm amazed how many vials are unlabeled or how old some samples are (15-20+ years in the freezer).

When you mention that the ice-balls melt slower you should also mention that they take longer to make your drink cold.

How high of kbps are people looking for really?

The "slideshow" is there too make them have 10x clicks for one page of content. That isn't going anywhere.

True story:

Also Apple has never done a side button like this

Yeah I was thinking something like $4/app at most.

That's why they bought Beats!!

My guess is the Chinese manage it.

HAHAHAH. Nongshim is what I already buy. That spicy spice packet is the best!!!