GRAET idea giz! BROVO!!!!!
GRAET idea giz! BROVO!!!!!
I feel that if the Oracle versus Google is any precedent to the cases to come from all these patent hoards is this:
Yeah definitely people use social services for different reasons.
It's sad anon took their chance for legitimacy and flushed it down the toilet. That group can really use better leadership. Epic fail. More power to Emick.
I absolutely agree on everything you say about twitter+fb but not about foursquare+fb.
Does anyone else think just making the iPhone longer to make display bigger is a stupid cuz it throws off the aspect ratio so much
Yeah studying all the Molecular Biology in Uni is finally beginning....oh wait...haha. All my finance training I got was from trading, reading earnings, listening to conference calls.
Been making this point for weeks to my friends who kept asking me if they should "get in on the IPO."
Not fair to evaluate FB the same as APPL or GOOG. There is a premium to pay for start-ups.
I would scream: "Oh shit, the found me...."
wholy sh**.
and baseball caps.
I have the Polk 3000 also and I think they are the best active headphones I have had. Furthermore, I feel like sometimes Giz tries to do EVERYTHING and make an opinion about all subjects instead of sticking to things they are good at.
I think the only way to try to prove this hypothesis is to find isolated tribes that are predominately left-handed.
a VC wont even have their secretary meet with you if you only want a $1,000 man. That's why I think it could work to have this type of funding where those with a little extra money could invest in real ideas.
I can see in the comments a lot of people are giving Giz a hard time on this one but I for one agree with Gizmodo. There is plenty of seed money and smart people willing to invest that if your idea is good enough, you could work and find funding by not taking it from individuals who need to decide from a few…
You, nor I, know what the trade off is in terms of battery life (both single use length and re-charging capacity) when you construct a faster charging system. I think you should consider it remarkable that a lil computer with a screen like that gets 8-10 hours of battery life. And before you call me a fanboy, my last…
There is just two things that KILL me on the iPhone and may keep me away in the end:
ohh yeaaah!!!! hahah i meant the Nook actually not the fire even though I said fire consciously...does that make sense? I just knew I had seen a tablet that was not iPad like that and Kindle Fire was the only thing that looked like that form factor
I thought the "NYC Metro Card" was actually a cut-out of Kindle fire...