Crazy Cat

I love the service.

Is it bad that I found Waldo first?

Couldn't resist

My little brother is playing through the original Wolfenstein to prepare for this one. Holy shit, does this look slow and clunky compared to the original game. FPS games have really changed over the years...

My first 40 turns would probably look similar to the ones in Civ 5:

This guy's long lost brother?

Goat of the year?

Sorry. Had to do it.

the irony of using a meme to point out someone reposting is delicious.

Maybe this person just wants to see the Mythbusters masturbating for long periods of time?

...Just gonna leave that thought right there...

Only when watching gay porn *zing*

I hate that he called his character a 'toon'.

Or, how about they use the profile pictures of accounts to make zombies out of those? You then fight your zombie friends.

Now playing

I'll only play it... if this plays in the background:

If he did this in America they probably would have shot him.

I shead tears and could read no further when he said that. He called it BORING! One of my favorite anime shows of all time, right next to Trigun.

Did not enjoy Cowboy Bebop!?! Blasphemy!

Now playing

And when she doesn't pay attention to him