Crazy Cat

Plumbing... plumbing has changed...

So much water... everything's underwater... oh gawd...

At first glance, I thought it was Niko walking with a child.

super sexy

Olivia Wright was the first to pilot the great grasshoppers of North America.

Stuff like this makes the designer in me wanna scream.

You must have missed that shitstorm from a month or so ago

How about Capcom gets their act together and makes a new RE like the old ones (pre-RE4)?

How many versions of this game must they release? Who hasn't played RE4 yet at this point?

People should also pass this simple test before getting the right to use the internet.

So much could go wrong with Toy Story 3, but it ended up being better than the first.

Hey, I just trademarked "Fuck". Cease and desist!

So basically this is their legal team:

"with the right artistic mind behind it"

Only when it's used by people who have no idea what they're doing, or in games that don't really support it. It can do wonders for lighting and shadow quality in the right games, with the right artistic mind behind it:

Not to inspire a BATTLE OF THE YOUTUBE VIOLIN LADIES or anything, but I actually prefer Davis' work to Stirling's. They're both good players and their videos are a lot of fun, but I find Davis tends to bring a little bit more creativity to her arrangements.

Honestly the new Lara is imho better. Seems more like a 'real' person, at least that's how it felt when I played the more recent Tomb Raider. Very much still posh British, and obviously attractive, but not exaggerated beyond proportion or oddly cartoony (as she looked in Underworld, for example).

Dat Joker mask @_@

But do they have attitude?

Freddie W + HAWP