
This could also be something Thompson added just to mess with his editor. The editor didn’t see it and Thompson didn’t correct it before it was published. That is what I get out of the “I won’t even bother explaining the joke because it doesn’t matter.”

Why can’t the human choose? The car is programmed for two options, always try to save people in the car or always try to save people outside the car, and the owner of the car chooses which option. Then when the car swerves into a crowd to save the driver, the car is only doing what the driver told it to.

I enjoyed that the Washington Post linked here.

I don’t think the issue was that the brands were NRA affiliated as much as that Vista owned brands that made guns and ammunition.

I thought the same thing you did. With a 1 second gif, zero context in the post, and not having watched the game what else was I supposed to assume? Sorry my attention was drawn to the kid getting his brain smashed instead of the clock not ticking to 56 and the ref waving his hands.