
That frying pan did more than fry chicken that night!

He couldn't do anything that required him to be something other than heartfelt or happy, which made the hip hop routines where he had to be fierce or have swag really awkward. Amazing techincal dancer, could not find the groove for hip hop at all. The one with Jaja wasn't bad b/c he's supposed to be happy, which

This! My husband and I thought the exact same thing, once we got past the "WTF were they thinking!" reaction. Burim wasn't bad at all (not necessarily good, but certainly improving) and, since Asaf was painfully bad, they took their shot to get rid of both of them while they could. I just hope it doesn't backfire on

Yeah, that pretty much sums up my feelings on this show. I like it, mostly for some of the reasons mentioned in this article, that they show a very diverse group of women and that they are very very good at finding dresses that look good on a variety of body types (which I think does hit that spot where you do have

Yeah, would certainly put it squarely in the "kids" section. Just read all of them with my 2nd grader, and she loved them just as much as I did. I forgot how dry and sarcastic a lot of the humor was, probably one of the reasons I loved it so much.

Grosse Pointe Blank is amazing, I hope he's not ashamed of that one. My husband and I quote that to each other all the time.

I have a very large soft spot for Harmony, and was so very happy that he performed it in concert the last time I saw him live. Also, Empty Garden, Madman and Sacrifice are high up on my all-time favorite list. That said, my husband and I's first dance at our wedding was Your Song.

Yeah, serious mental issues for both cases, but anything that makes you hallucinate is not outside the realm of possibility. And given that NP was rather obviously influence by real life cases, and that it makes sense for the character to get so sick and tired of cases like that that they quit, it really didn't

Ummm, the baby in a microwave has happened irl, as have various pets. That said, I'm not sure if its was drugs or not. The most recent cat one was related to serious mental issues.

They used it a lot, and they did play it as a joke, but it was still one of the more realistic parts of that show. After their residency was done, it actually makes sense that at least someone would try to find a job outside Sacred Heart, and that JD wouldn't live with a married couple in the small apt. for ever.

Would it be better if there were at least some visible female cops on the show? Sure, but they'd still be in the background b/c the show keeps its focus tightly on Rust and Marty (also, realistically they'd have to be in the 2002/2012 scenes, as I'm guessing Louisiana police depts were still fairly male-dominated in

I was always fond of the edited version of Blazing Saddles where they edited "Up Yours N——" to "Out of my way N———". Even as a kid I was like "Aren't they changing the wrong part?

I think its b/c Bradley Cooper hasn't actually done the voice work yet.