
They off themselves by jumping into a pug mill, which according to wikipedia is: a machine in which materials are simultaneously ground and mixed with a liquid. Industrial applications are found in pottery, bricks, cement and some parts of the concrete and asphalt mixing processes.

According to Cinefx magazine, the engine room in this Star Trek was filmed in a brewery. The Budweiser brewery in Van Nuys, CA to be exact.

Don't apologize. We like what we like. True story: I know someone who LOVES the Battlefield Earth movie. It appeals to some part of him. But I digress. I believe that no actor can save a movie with a bad story or bad directing. It may also depend on the role Lois Lane has. Is she going to be relegated to the

Don't apologize. We like what we like. True story: I know someone who LOVES the Battlefield Earth movie. It appeals to some part of him. But I digress. I believe that no actor can save a movie with a bad story or bad directing. It may also depend on the role Lois Lane has. Is she going to be relegated to the

Don't apologize. We like what we like. True story: I know someone who LOVES the Battlefield Earth movie. It appeals to some part of him. But I digress. I believe that no actor can save a movie with a bad story or bad directing. It may also depend on the role Lois Lane has. Is she going to be relegated to the

Don't apologize. We like what we like. True story: I know someone who LOVES the Battlefield Earth movie. But I digress. No matter who's cast, it won't save a bad story or bad directing. It also depends on the role Lois Lane has in this movie. What if she's going to be relegated to the "damsel in distress" role

I wish I knew, Gamer. I only know I have to reach a certain level to be able to promote. Thanks for trying, though. Much appreciated!

hey yeah, what happened to the pencil icon?

Actually, when Malin Akerman was mentioned, I thought, "Yum...Silk Spectre" and I was bummed when it was said she might be too old for the part, since she's older than the actor playing Superman. A while back, I saw a photo of Winstead made up to look like one of Vargas' pinups and I thought "Hmmm. She reminds me of

I really hope they go with Mary Elizabeth Winstead, from the Scott Pilgrim movie.

So are you saying Han lied and actually made the Kessel Run in 18 parsecs instead of 12?

If I recall correctly mega = 1,000, so 6000 megadegrees was umm...well...damned hot.

G is for: "Game over, man! Game over!"

Hah! I set my washer to chronoplasmic rainbow cycle when I'm washing my colored clothes.

Regarding the Gorilazz Stylo video, I must say I like Jamie Hewlett's designs rendered in a graphic 2D look instead of 3D.

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This reminds me of that shower scene from Porky's...well, the AFTERMATH of the shower scene.

I feel like watching Black Swan now, not because of the fx, but the subtle use of fx makes me want to find out what Portman's character is experiencing.

okay okay...I got a better line for the Debbie G. vs Tiffany fight: "I'm gonna knock you Out of the Blue!".

ummm...let's see...I have to invent a cheesy line for the Debbie G. vs. Tiffany fight. How about, "I'm gonna make you Electric Black and Blue!"? Anybody else got better ones?

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SteelWill was my favorite Silverhawk simply because his faceplate looked like a football helmet. Second was the Copper Kid because of the way he communicated. The Japanese Spiderman intro reminded me of this: