“Law-abiding gun owners” is a dogwhistle for “white people”.
“Law-abiding gun owners” is a dogwhistle for “white people”.
Well you know what they say: “Spare the Glock, spoil the child.”
I kind of doubt anyone flipping a burger trying to make their way through life has the time to worry about a meteorologists clothing ensemble. BUT, I get what you’re saying.
The man who killed them cared. All the other people in this world who hate LGBT people care. It’s important not to erase who the victims were. But I bet that every time an unarmed black kid is killed by the cops, you get annoyed by the fact that the story mentions his race. Because you don’t see color, and you don’t…
I’m a gay man and I lost my fiancee to a brutal car accident just days ago. I’m still in shock and my grieving process is going through all sorts of motions. Sudden death is the worst heartbreak. I feel for the victims and their families and friends.
I have to say, “He no longer enjoys a ribeye” is not a rape defense I saw coming.
I have never once in my life heard the word promiscuous describe a male.
No problem with him being on his kid’s side. Kind of a huge problem with him ISSUING A STATEMENT when his kid just got a criminally lenient sentence. Just shut the fuck up, let your kid serve his six months, and be grateful the world still revolves around privileged white guys.
“Never will he be his happy go rapey self again”
My parents love me. They will love me no matter what. They would come visit me in jail. They would not defend me raping somebody.
This makes absolute sense and my heart aches for this man. Having said that, that's a fucking amazing picture.
Thank you. Not “relationship,” either. Predatory behavior and grooming. And fuck that fucking family.
Not “sex.”
A lot of people know that the only song Sinead O’Connor is widely known for is a Prince song. It doesn’t make it irrelevant just because you didn’t know that.
If you think backwards, bigoted behavior is unique to the south....gurl.
Oh yeah, I definitely think her dry Britishness gets her in trouble. Like when Taylor was suuuuper offended that Lisa made an honest assessment of their relationship instead of feigning closeness.
Hot take, brah.
This is the first Eddie match I’ve watched since he died (too many feelings) and I choose correctly, thanks guys! But, christ, if we can ignore the terribly misogynistic announcing (not JUST by Jerry Lawler, I hear you good ol’ JR), this was a fucking highlight of my childhood where I knew as a (pretty ugly little…
Are you that.... whatever? You deserve any shit you get for your comment.
Yeah, I don’t care about that guys hurt fee-fees. He shot a toddler and was waving a loaded gun around in a room full of children. Then punched a 5 year old for crying and tried to frame her for the shooting. He gets NO consideration. Fuck that guy.