
I cannot imagine that Our Lady of Perpetual Adolescence would be an easy mother. Is it just me?

Still waiting on the news to discuss when and how he was radicalized...

Cop is all like-

The face of a man who isn’t getting paid enough to have to listen to this all day...

Not to mention how well a teenager can play both divorced parents. Idk what’s really going on here — no one does — but 15 year olds can be obnoxious as all hell.

You are approaching World Record level wrongness. Kudos.

I don’t know what text books you’re reading because that is in no way true.

The average full-term newborn absolutely does not universally need suctioning to breathe otherwise the entire human race would be extinct. The temperature change is usually sufficient.

Incorrect. Source: am a human being who has given birth, and knows many other such humans.

It’s not a “no true Scotsman” fallacy or “expecting feminism to be a single entity” to say that advocating against body shaming when it’s your body, while profiting from it when it’s somebody else’s, is massive hypocrisy. Nor is it “making perfect the enemy of good” to say that asking us to believe the Dunham travesty

That's not even close to true.

most babies, even full-term ones, require assistance to breathe at birth

Because “single editorial vision” is a huge assfuck cop out. No writer here subscribes to the ideology of Phyllis Schlafly, or is secretly posting on MRA forums about how feminists are all worthless cunts. There are no articles about the evils of abortion or blaming rape victims for getting drunk and being

Agree. I could have take her post more seriously were it not for the staff teaming up and throwing shit at anyone who didn’t absolutely love the maxi dress article because...satire!

Um...he’s not engaged though. He’s fucking married. She needs some girlfriends to have a Netflix night with and then she needs to get to a good, compassionate and direct counselor to sort this shit out. Cuz, that’s some next level hoodwinked shit right there.

I think he’s also probably been gaslighting her for so long, she isn’t capable of having the right reaction - which would be wanting to chop his dick off.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. My heart is just BREAKING at the determined obliviousness. She made him promise to be faithful to his fiancee wife??

Oh, you poor dear thing. That man could promise not to shit his pants, and I wouldn’t trust it.

Chop his dick off and tell his wife what he did.

Also, my initial response on her behalf is for her to out this motherfucker and his Uni. There are enough of us looking for good higher ed jobs that don’t act like assholes.