Shannon Hubbell

This is why so many libertarians are global warming deniers.

She has all the dull, heavy handed aspects of being a shitty pulp adventure novelist without being, you know… fun. The good guys are pretty, the bad guys (statists, apparently) are ugly. And deserve to die. It's like Clive Cussler lost his ability to write acceptable prose, joined a cult, and stopped thinking about

A fringe ideology held by people with a lot of political power, alas.

What does this movie have to do with a 10-year-old documentary?

Ah, yes. That must explain why the playwright who said mean things about CEOs deserved to die.

"The world you describe is one run by Progressive democrats, which have no desire to lift the poor out of poverty, because then they lose most of their voting block. Instead they trap them in welfare statism."

"As a progressive Democrat, I can assure you you know nothing of my work."

There is a heck of a lot of angry misanthropy in ATLAS SHRUGS. So much so that I sometimes suspect she actually wrote a satire, and her fans are the butt of the joke.

Physically unattractive Straw Man Villains no less.

Also, genuinely ugly prose. Don't forget that.

Just to be clear, this is the same woman who devoted a passage in her "masterpiece" to describing all the reasons the various victims of a train disaster deserved to die… Working for the government, writing anti-business plays, etc.

I feel like it would just be too *boring* to get that treatment.


Fair enough.

Most of the people I've encountered who were offended knew very well who and what Colbert is, and knew that it was satire, but found the use of those phrases offensive anyway. I don't really agree, but I'm also a white dude who doesn't feel comfortable telling minorities what they should be offended by.

Bigot offsets.

As far as I know, Burroughs never sat on the board of the National Organization for Killing Wives.

"Sarah Silverman is her typical unexpectedly vulgar self."

I actually like Macs quite a bit, but I don't understand why they suck so bad at mice. I never use the mouse that they include with the computer.