
Most of my Columbia friends were middle-class white nobodies.

Wow, their selection of news anchors on the Facebook header really kind of looks like they are trying to be The Aryan Channel for Aryans By Aryans.

Interestingly enough, this story says that she was actually fired for responding to an actually racist comment accusing the station of specifically picking needy children "of color" to give presents to. The hair thing was allegedly even LIKED by the station itself.

Wait, I get the pairing of the Whole Foods and the Prius, but where does the Teletubbies come into play? I thought all Whole Foods Prius-driving folks watched Spongebob or those four Commonwealth men who sing.

You don't think they taught 13-year-old you a lesson about friendship and GEHL POWAH?

Yeah, seriously. It'd be like using the descriptor "dressed in black" at an UWS lounge.

Just chiming in to say their advertising team knows exactly what they're doing. I met the head of advertising for the mens deodorant division and these commercials basically tripled their sales and turned Unilever into the market leader for men's deodorant - it's hilarious to men (even men who already sleep with

I for one enjoyed your perspective and am sorry that this other commenter felt the need to be so much of a knee jerk jerk.

The schooling felt kind of silly because - honestly - aren't there too many idiots on the internet for any rebuttal, no matter how clever, to seem kind of like playing pianos to pigs? But I'm glad I'm learning so much about female pirates, so thank you commenters!

People only read Classics in their mid-40s. Duh.

Wait, are we saying that the artist has no say over how the characters are posed? I think usually if you see a male character kicking some person in the face, their gonads are not made front and center of the image.

Oh true. Incidentally, this just reminded me: I had a friend with Aspergers who asked me to rate her on a scale of looks, and then to rate myself. She seemed confused when I refused, because to her, figuring out all of this numerically (ala RPG style) would just make life a lot easier.

$20,000?! Methinks the derision should be pointed at this man instead.

Ugh, can't we do away with the whole proposing thing to begin with? Why aren't we just having conversations about where the relationship is going and then acting on them? It's not like it's ever out of the blue anymore, and if it is, then maybe it's time to freak out a little about why your significant other would ask

Feminism is about choices. You do you, girl.

How did your father react?

Professor Blastoff is so much fun! First started listening to it after hearing her on a Never Not Funny episode and now that's become my absolute fave podcast in the world

Also many times more likely to murder!

I am excited about the day when I can idly wonder "Huh! Whatever happened to that Chris Brown feller?"

Welp, if Heller reads his own comments, he'll see his entire premise completely and utterly refuted.