Yeah, me neither.
Yeah, me neither.
Eh, I still see this "Baby it's cold outside" scenario go on in conservative societies as a cutesy and not actually date-rapey thing. Maybe now in parts of the West there's more sexual agency so women don't feel the need to cover their bases before agreeing to staying over, but in more reserved cultures there is…
I would totally be rocking the pose Keira's doing too if I had a dress with pockets
I think it might be a particularly sensitive issue for Native Americans because of the hundreds of years of squashing the culture issue - as in, we need to try a little harder here because, if we don't, there is a real danger of it completely losing all its meaning.
Okay, but then what does this one count as? It's called ""I Looooove Your Culture: Hipsters in Headdresses" Chocolate Necktie" and features a dude with sunglasses wearing one of those problematically sacred headdresses. It's on the Beyond Buckskin Boutique, so it's ostensibly native-made. Is buying this when you're…
As someone who is friends with and even dated major nerds (like comp-sci dudes who are really invested in Magic: The Gathering), I would say that I may have to see what you dress like/how you interact with women first before I am willing to concede your point.
There definitely is a difference between people who try to hide their stripclub going ways under the guise of "hey, it's all like totally just because it's so old fashioned and funny and I want to see the desperation in the patrons and not because I want naked boobs in my face or anything" and people who say "I want…
Also news to me. Not caring too much about the person or perfume, I didn't watch any of the two biopics dedicated to her in recent years, but I don't recall their trailers offering anything in the way of telling me she was a Nazi.
Perhaps, much like how various languages have different noises for animals (dogs go "wah wah" in French), Laura speaks a different dialect of L&O sounds. I always thought it went ZHA ZHANG.
I think it really helps to do a lot of roleplaying. See if you can get some friends who's careers you can admire to take five or ten minutes to talk through it with you.
BY the university, not by the internet. An experienced Harvard Crimson editor should be calling her out on this and, if anything, we should be calling out the experienced Harvard Crimson editor who let this shit fly.
I honestly feel like it'd only be fair if some of these Jezebel commenters posting pictures from her Facebook profile (of all judgey things to do) opened up their college-level essays. I will bet that there is some straight up horrifying uninformed shit in there.
Absolutely. We should be pillorying whatever teacher adviser for the Harvard Crimson that read this piece after fifty pieces like it before and didn't point her to those other pieces to explain why her opinion may be boringly under-researched.
I wish she'd put as much thought into her pop song rap lines as she did into Monster. The flow was really awesome and I was hoping for more of the same. Instead we now get:
I believe that in World War I, the regiments were still quite segregated by color. Here's one article about it:
Wait, is having sex with a stranger really wanting to be objectified? I thought it would just be really wanting no-strings-attached no-emotions-involved sex.
Is it weird that disagreeing with you makes me feel very cynical?
I think the people who believe that the highest form of charity is that which is done anonymously just don't want to be constantly reminded that they're not being charitable.
I thought Bloomberg meant this:
I think it depends on how far you go back and where you go. Macedonians, Mongolians, Persians etc. loved mixing races. Even 16th century Europe would be pretty okay with it (you'd definitely be a curiosity, but with your healthy teeth, ability to read, and average-to-tall stature - I'm assuming you're 5'2 or above -…