
Epic has had a plethora of bad business practices come to light that Kotaku has been completely mum about. Instead, Kotaku has been posting only articles about how wrong everyone is to dislike the company as a whole.

Another one-sided article that’s casually dismissive of Epic’s skin in the issue despite their self-admitted “disruptive” behavior. It’s very easy to paint a rabbid mass of malcontent “gamers” as the antagonists here (and they are), but waning too far in the opposite direction does disservice to the truth that is

Except many times they used language like “You’ll get a steam key” or a “key delivered via steam”. Yes, they couldn’t have seen the EGS coming and planned for it, but those devs that used that language definitely made promises of one thing...

Here’s the monopolistic part of it... The DARQ dev was offered an Epic deal, They basically said “Nah, I don’t want to do that after I told my fans that it was coming to Steam. I’d love to also have it on Epic Store however in addition to the others so people can choose where they get it.” What was Epic’s totally not

I’ll repeat again:

Any developer that decides to crap on their fanbase for some quick cash and imaginary promise of more % sales is not getting a single dime for me.

Aye. I have my concerns about EGS, there’s a reason I’ve only bought a pair of games so far there (the final season of Telltale’s the Walking Dead, because I NEED TO SEE HOW IT ENDED DAMN IT SUCH A GOOD FINALE! and Rebel Galaxy Outlaw, because I’m a sucker for a good Space Western with dogfighting), and I don’t even

The fact this “journalist” missed all that, shows exactly his intent.

I am not a fan of one-sided articles as a source of journalism. They form blind opinions that makes you question the integrity of the writer as someone who has a stake in the side they are writing for.

I’m not sure whether Epic’s paying you guys off, or if you guys just have a chip on your shoulders against PC gamers because of Gamersgate or whatever, but what on earth is going on with your Epic Games articles? You turned a story about a dev approaching a sensitive subject the right way into a condemnation for PC

Yeah, this article stinks of bias. I get that haters are gonna hate, and that developers shouldn’t have to grovel for choosing how and where to sell their shit the way it makes the most sense to them financially.

I’m actually 9 and have better optics on a situation on all sides than a man with three eyes.

r/hailcorporate is leaking. More seriously, the Ooblets thing—the harrassment is inexcusable of course—but can he really be all that surprised? His original statement is dripping with condescension and every point against the EGS he brings up (to argue against) is such a lame straw man that I can’t even begin to take

Gamers, don’t harass developers. It gives them a siege mentality and causes them to double down on whatever they’re doing to piss you off. If it bothers you so much simply do what I do and don’t buy their game.

I’m getting older and I’m busy a lot and there is a lot of games out there. If you don’t make it easy for me to buy your game, I won’t bother. If you try to sell me a 60$ game for 100$ by having crap dlc? You’re out. Gameplay focused around lootboxes and microtransaction? out. I’m not boycoting stuff that comes out

By the way Josh, you should consider writing an article regarding the Epic store and the game Darq. I know I know lol that would go against the narrative and this isn’t going to get a response whatsoever. We have to make sure Epic and its developers are the victims, even when they are evil as fuck on this shit show.

Why do people act like this is anything new?

In covering the Epic Games Store, Kotaku has written about how the consistent, perpetual rage over its mere existence

Hey look at that. He managed to do it without screwing over the fans that were already paying and supporting the game and then pulling the rug from under them(ooblets), he didn’t resort to calling the people supporting his game a bunch of petty labels(ooblets), and then didn’t tell his fans who can’t even pay for

Rule/Obligation 1: Don’t challenge the Internet, or make it appear to be a challenge. The Internet is the slums of anonymity, where being an asshole is often consequence-free.