
Agreed. Theres no way I’m buying this from Brack.

If you live on McKinney check out the Arcade92 retro bar. They apparently have a machine too.

This game looks absolutely amazing.  How have I not heard of this yet?

Rules/laws that are written broadly, with ambiguity, are generally considered weak laws because they require further iteration to fully understand how they’re implemented.

There are plenty of parallel examples in sports, entertainment and yes, even business, where a high-profile player says something FAR more controversial involving politics, religion, or some other hot-button social issue....

This was a thing back in CoD4 days.

Is just so strange but cool at the same time.

This Epic white-knighting is getting pretty gross.

I write elected officials about important issues regularly; in fact, I even call them sometimes.

I truly wish ‘gamers’ had the self-restraint to realize they don’t need to buy and it will make a stronger message if they don’t.

Another one-sided article that’s casually dismissive of Epic’s skin in the issue despite their self-admitted “disruptive” behavior. It’s very easy to paint a rabbid mass of malcontent “gamers” as the antagonists here (and they are), but waning too far in the opposite direction does disservice to the truth that is

It’s pretty embarrassing watching the same people who are supposedly so opposed to this completely de-legitimize their own argument.

Creating a neutral phrase like “pop-off” (see also: stupid phrase) and then lumping good and bad behavior into it isnt helpful.

NOOO don’t hurt Yoshi!

Console exclusivity is pretty controversial when it’s a third party game.

I may be a bit jaded on the subject, but the “trickle down” effect of a lower cut in this case strikes me as a motive I just can’t get behind as a consumer. Sure, of course I understand why a developer would be attracted to that.

Absolutely could not agree more. I used to get maligned in casual SSF2THD matches because I would focus on tick-throwing players who would play too defensively.

I’m 100% in the “it comes down to lag” camp on this one. The temperamental nature of titles is in my opinion already upon us, with day 1 patches and online connection requirements already removing any promise I’ll be able to revisit a game in 10 years.  If Blizzard pulls Overwatch down I've no delusions I'll be

It’s a lot, but let’s be real; those minifigures alone will probably be worth quite a bit depending on the rarity of the set.

I’m a little heartbroken. I used to love Reggie’s silly little announcement videos he’d put out. The one with him and Mike Morhaim for the Diablo 3 announcement was great.