
I do this a lot during the long MN winter when we can't open the windows. Usually squeeze a half of a lemon in to it and sometimes add a rosemary sprig.

Vinegar is about 90% water and about 5-10% acetic acid. From what I understand, the acid in vinegar is strong enough to affect and alter organic molecules in the air (what usually makes things stink in a home) while being weak enough that it can’t be harmful to anyone (we can eat it and drink it just fine). There will

Are we still pretending this is edgy rather than what it actually is...that is boring.

A display of the sausage casings Kim will later be forced to wear.

That’s terribly sad and says a lot about the system if one has to get a felony first.

Every time she voices an objection to same sex marriage, she is in violation, since as elected clerk, she actually sets the policy on how that office operates. her statement is the equivalent to a big “up yours” to the courts and the Constitution.

The next step for Kim Davis.

Can she point to what God’s definition of marriage is, and where it is in her Bible? That same God she’s allying herself with called for adulterers (like her) to be stoned to death.

I don’t think she’ll want to run for higher office. County Clerkin’ is the family business. She’ll want to stay on, like her mother before her, until her goofy child can take over. Plus, the salary is awesome for that area.

GoFundMe won’t allow accounts to be set up in cases where the law was violated (specifically “campaigns in defense of formal charges”), or for materials including bigotry/racism/sexism, etc., which could also apply in this case. Interestingly enough, they also refuse to allow campaigns to support rebel groups,

There’s this expression, we vacation in other people’s hells, that makes me think of the world trade center. I don’t think it’s something that anyone not from NYC can really understand. I’ve heard parallels to the Madrid Bombing or the London bombings and while I sincerely mean no disrespect I don’t think they’re the


I’m going to go out on a limb and say they BOTH need some help. Clearly Newland needs more help than the victim but this entire scenario is bizarre from both angles. Newland is super disturbed because she really played this out and then probably leveraged her friendship with the victim to further manipulate the

Neither, I just put my phone on vibrate.

This Kardashian-Jenner clan is unbelievably trashy.

Elvis lives

Damn, these Kardashian women sure like shitty rap(pers).

Kris Jenner is a modern day pimp