
What is this even?

My eldest, age 14, at this exact moment: “Um, poppet? What’s the word for eye-rolling and embarrassment by proxy rolled into one?”

Miley should have been ready for it. Nicki shames fans when they criticize her hair, for Christ’s sake. So she was damn well going to take a shot at Miley for Miley’s tone-deaf fingerwagging in that interview.

rip miley cyrus

I’m going with 100% real. Nikki looked pissed.

In three weeks, I am attending a wedding for the first time and it’s making my social anxiety go wild. I am going to get through it by reminding myself that even if I am the worst wedding guest in history, I will not be Lindsay Lohan as a wedding guest.

It has already been revealed that this was not LiLo, but the actress who played her sister In The Parent Trap.

He must be trying to... keep up with the Kardashians.

Recalls seeing Alannis on You Can’t Do That On Television

If you know ‘How to Archer’ then just call it Situational Awareness. You don’t need an app for that. As a matter of fact, how can you maintain situational awareness whle you’re staring at your maindfullness app?

I read some stories about the Quiverfull movement way before any of this, and I remember them specifically talking about how a woman is always (no exceptions) supposed to follow her male leader (husband/father). That their movement considers it more sinful to disobey a husband/father than the actual sin itself. For

Can’t figure out if Quiverfull or Scientology is cultier. I mean, they’re both all about brainwashing, unquestioning obedience, shunning/condemning those who leave. But Scientology has lawyers and extorts it’s victims of money, where Quiverfull has God and false moral-superiority and is attempting to out-breed the

In all seriousness, though, weren't these kids all homeschooled in the same cult that teaches that dinosaurs co-existed with man and the earth is only 5 minutes old and carbon dating is an illuminati conspiracy or something? I doubt there was a huge emphasis on the Elements of Style in that curriculum. Go easy on the

Also, she has little to no education (the curriculum of the Quiverfull movement leaves most kids at ~3rd grade reading level, with almost NO math skills unless they are male), plus absolutely NO work history (besides being a SAHM) and four kids. How is she supposed to leave and support her kids? I don’t like Anna much

Maybe she figures that when he drops that last 30 pounds, starts hitting the gym, gets a tan and finds a good plastic surgeon, he’ll look like the guy whose photo he uses on dating/cheating websites. And when he does she’ll be sorry she left him.

I’m gonna guess nuanced and informed services for women wanting to leave their husbands are going to be few and far between. I think her brother, is as good as we’re gonna get from this gang, with all the spelling errors and righteous anger that goes with it.

I agree, but I also hope there’s someone who’s doing the soft sell, too. I don’t think Anna’s ready to leave yet, so she probably really needs someone who supports her leaving but who’s not going to push very hard yet.

I like the part where all sins are equal in the eyes of God, according to that commenter. Cheating and molestation, yup, definitely on par with lies, for sure.

I think it’s time for me to make another donation to Planned Parenthood, but I can’t decide if I should do it in honor of Anna Duggar’s Brother, Closeted Bradley Cooper, or Mel Gibson’s Cunt Mouth.