If I never heard about this chick for the rest of my life, I would be happy.
If I never heard about this chick for the rest of my life, I would be happy.
oh my god as much as i hate nancy grace i would watch the shit out of this if she was hosting/interviewing
Let’s pretend the far off and totally improbable notion that she’s actually innocent. If I were her, I would change my name, I would change how I look, and I would move out of the country. It’ll pass.
Nancy Grace was talking about Casey the other night, and good news, Nancy still calls her “Tot Mom”.
Is Nancy Grace involved? If not, I’m not interested.
We can call it the cunt pump.
I swear the BEST overnight pads I ever bought were in South Korea. NO LEAKS! It was amazing, though the pad went pretty far up your backside. Came back to ‘Merica and can’t find a pad that doesn’t cause me leakage at night. Bleh.
I passed clots the size of healthy mice and nearly ruined my cream carpeting. I still have eggplant sheets - refuse pastels! - I was up every. single. hour. to put in two super plus tampons (YES AT ONCE - not comfortable) and a pad - and I still had accidents. If I can make ONE woman sleep well? My work here is done…
You're a genius. Some engineer needs to start working on a way to make this happen immediately. We can call it the cunt pump.
Pre 'pause? I bought Depends to wear at night. Finally stopped making the bedroom and bathroom look like a murder scene. Best sleep I ever got. Only needed about three per month. Wish I'd thought of it sooner.
And it’s fucking landmark television but everyone here like ugh gratuitous eww too long.
I know, kind of a weird thing to say but one of the things I love about the books is that Jamie never forgets Wentworth . It’s never dropped from his characterization and even 30 years later it takes all but 5 words and it’s all back .
Sassenachs, I have a confession.
I’m waiting for the “Light As A Feather, Stiff As A Board” challenge.
Dollar stores can be very hit-or-miss. Sure, there’s plenty of stuff well worth a buck. But there’s a lot of junk,…
slut shamers gotta slut shame
No need to pay to see Mad Max: Fury Road this weekend because the real-life post-apocalypse is already upon us! And…
Maybe I see too much sex in everything, but I don’t think it is unusual or uncommon at all. This is why parental attention is so important during adolescence, and why I think competent, comprehensive sex education should be mandatory. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that withholding proper sexual education from your…
Uhhhh. I don't agree with the Duggars ideals or physiology regarding women, religion or history. I have no issues with the size of their family. More power to them. That said, they are just a big family that are zealots. That does not make them a cult like the Manson family. They do fall under the definition cult but…