Shane MacGowan's Teeth

It explicitly calls out Watson as leaving the game with a lead. 

I don’t think it’s blaming Watson? The tweet says Watson left the field with the lead, now the Texans as a whole are 0-3 (0-4). Seems like its saying the team as a group has failed to hold onto those leads.  

In other words, would almost certainly destroy the women’s team if they actually played? Dude... there is a difference in competition between the top mens’ and womens’ teams. Saying they should get paid because of their relative success is one thing (although their best argument is in how much money they bring in),

They’re saying they are the same, they’re noting the multiplication/division are swapped in order between PEMDAS/BEDMAS because those operations share the same spot in the order of operations. 

idk about the pony episode, but the famous Cats poster was just black with two cat eyes, like on the left of that picture.

Hmmmm. Nah. 

Torchy’s hillbilly queso is the best chain queso. Fight me. 

Kerbey Lane is super fucking overrated

But that just hurts everyone else. Whether or not a kid is insured (and skipping past the question of punishing a child for their parents’ sins), when they get sick, they’re still going to get care. And all of that cost just gets spread around to everyone, because most families aren’t going to have a few hundred grand

Fair enough

She was sent to the same set she’d been at when nobody knew she was pregnant. How is that an adverse reassignment?

The worst part is you sound proud of that.

Yeah, but if Apple screws up, it bricks a cell phone and you go to an Apple store for a new one. If they screw up on an airplane, you conceivably kill a couple hundred people per failure. That’s where the cost comes from on airplane upgrades- coming up with something that is compatible with all existing parts of the

Uh, ok, yeah, you CAN buy a gun even if you’re insane in America. It’s a crime but you can do it. I’m not sure what your point actually is, since that is literally the case in any country on earth. If you don’t mind breaking the law, you can get a gun anywhere. But, since your goalposts have moved from Wal-Mart with

So, Walmart (an FFL dealer required by federal law to run a BGC on every firearms sale) is exactly the same thing as a private seller (who is also required by law not to sell if they have reason to believe the purchaser is not legally able to buy) selling to a private purchaser (who is breaking federal law if they buy

“Only in America can you be deemed legally insane and walk into grocery store like walmart and get a Gun with zero background checks. There are serious problems in the states.”

Considering a normal ag tractor is well into six figures, “some tractors” could easily be worth more (or several times more) than his yearly salary. It may seem a bit odd to Americans, but this isn’t pocket change they’re arguing about.

Yeah, the source itself notes it’s since Honda’s re-entry to F1, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

C’mon guys. It wouldn’t have been hard to sink the Belgranos here. Sneak up and just torpedo a shot in where he isn’t supposed to be.