
“Shadow Republican” Jesus.

The lesson is: Never try.

What about the revamps that ruined everything and was annoying?

Hmm... no, I don’t like it. Let’s change it back.

We’re off to a great start


Don’t want to be a whiner, but this layout gives me a headache and I wish there was an easy way to scroll through Newswire headlines. (I can already see I’ll be reading a lot less news here, much less anything else.) Clicking on the sections leaves you stranded without a simple click back to the main screen.

This revamp sucks

taking a beloved property and giving it a splashy makeover that renders it nigh-unrecognizable, all in the patently desperate hope to appeal to a new audience and extend its lifespan.

Was it Ernie?

There’s only 88 posts at the time of posting this and two things pop out immediately

Love the new site!

Now playing

Who designed the homepage? There’s no simple line for the eye to follow, nor is there an accessible list of recent articles. It’s like someone said, “Let’s just throw the content into a basic Kinja template. I’m hungry.”
Like a real-life Love Day:

Man, so this is... a hell of a lot less content on screen at once, with a whole lot of shit buried further than it used to be. I guess I could see this format working for a site that updates once or twice a day, but keeping track of everything given how fast the AV Club tends to update is going to be a real pain in

Merging my Disqus and Kinja accounts doesn’t work. Also, the site is ugly and soulless, like Gawker. I’m pretty sad about this whole thing. :(

That was a beautiful three hours of nonsense