Dam son, hows dat haterade tasting?
Dam son, hows dat haterade tasting?
No, because you couldn't make your point without doing so in a crass and unnecessary way. It dilutes your argument, and makes you come across as some sort of punk teenager. "sucking dick at their respective sport?" Quite talking like you're on xbox live.
You're an asshole, and should feel bad about it.
Sure 'ultimate' whatever. Hate to be a debby downer, but Loot 2.0 isn't that much better then loot 1.8. The entire loot itemization is pretty much broken.
Yeah but LOD was seen as having really gotten D2 into it's penultimate place. This D3 expansion will do no such thing.
Changes do not necessarily equal content.
I guess you probably wont be able to see this, but I had the same issue in firefox. So, if you're using the browser, try IE or Chrome. Both worked for me.
I've really hated the episodes of Sherlock so far. They just seem horrible.
The only thing that might be impressive in this tech video, is how they got that much texture resolution to play on a video card. But it's so easy to cheat this stuff, that I can't even get excited about that. Sorry, it's such a controlled scene, that I just can't be that impressed. As a professional cg artist, I…
This is just photogrammetry. Something that has been done in cg for ages now.
I actually have to give her props for admitting she was hungover. Because, she just had to know it was gonna turn her from being sympathetic to...something else...
Every study, will have outliers. I'm not speaking specifically to that study, or even you personally, for all I know that study is truly garbage. But I thought it needed to be said.
They should laugh. I'm not somebody who thinks esports can't be categorized as a sport, just not an athletic sport.
Mine was probably 1 shotting Bed of Chaos boss in Dark Souls the very first time I played the game. I was streaming it at the time, and a buddy of mine that got me into Dark Souls, said his jaw dropped on the floor when he saw that. I've never died less than 2 times every time I take on the boss since.
Very true. I dont think for one second, that theres a matchup possible, between two professional, where the woman is capable of beating the man. Especially if they're more or less the same size. That said, I think this is just a gimmick, and should be treated as such.
Bullshit. The US hasn't laid claim to the South China Sea. We haven't said we own it and all the minerals it contains. We patrol it to keep countries that also have no legitimate claim to it, from doing just that.
Sure. But apparently, we throw a dozen paratroopers at it, oh and lets attach smoke grenades to their feet, so it's easy for it to see them. Oh and lets do it in an urban environment where it's likely they will hit some building, and go splat.
Normally, I wouldn't give a flick like this a second glance. How hard would it be to kill something like this with a tens of thousands of stand off weapons available to the military? Movie will probably be stupid, but I can't just cast off a movie with Ken Watanabe in it. Dude's a badass.
I guess I must have comprehension issues, so lets run by it again: