Don't mind efwscdx everyone, he takes everything literally.
Don't mind efwscdx everyone, he takes everything literally.
I disagree with this. Unless you're already living responsibility from within a smart spending budget, it's likely you can much more easily find ways to save, then to find ways to earn more. Get your spending in control, and then worry about making more money. You might find you don't even need to spend time trying…
I can't think of a better definition of a video game, than what you just wrote.
Of course it's a game. If it's not a game, would what you characterize it as? It might just not be your 'typical' game.
There's different levels of 'fake.' Is the whole thing fake from top to bottom, or is it staged in some respects, but not all respects?
I knew that getting out of the military, that my training and expertise wouldn't transfer to many civilian side jobs. But I also knew I had the GI Bill and College fund, to aid me in retraining to another vocation. I'm going to assume this fella has the same?
No, I said, what my wife did in the military, had no bearing. You espoused that what my wife did or didn't do in the military, compared to the SEAL, was important.
Yeah the article suggests he didn't know about the VA, which is possible, I don't know the guy, or what he was told. He SHOULD have been fully briefed during outprocessing briefings about the kind of support he was entitled to after leaving the service. If he is a stand up guy, and was just ignorant about the VA,…
I have health issues as well. Unfortunately, when you're young, you don't necessarily feel those things, until you get older. I'm not speaking for you, just me. I totally feel the dude 'deserves' better treatment, just like ANY service member does. The govt. doesn't do enough. The point I was making, is that the…
He couldn't sit a 'fucking' desk for the remaining 4 years? He needs to avail himself of the VA hospital if he has any lingering issues due to his service. What my wife does in the military has zero impact on the conversation. I'm former infantry myself and have no expectation of health coverage outside of the VA. …
I understand that, I'm a combat veteran myself, though by no means would I compare myself to him. But I just have a hard time believing that he couldn't find a way to serve out the last 4 years. It probably meant leaving the SEALS, and finding something else, but surely the military would have accommodated him. If…
From another news source, apparently the guy served 16 years, got out, and then is complaining about not getting benefits, as if he's more important than any other solder. My wife as at about 16 years, and while she keeps saying over and over she wants to get out, I keep telling her over and over, that she'll regret…
They're more or less the longest running consoles to date. If they haven't reached their full potential yet, then I wouldn't hold my breath too long.
And 100 years ago, hardly anybody shaved, so it was the status quo. Doesn't really have any bearing on anything. At one point, women didn't shave their arm pits either, and I'm assuming people still procreated. The fact is: as time has gone on, shaving more and more body parts has become more mainstream. I don't…
If getting tips = paying rent, and giving poor service = poor tips, then it would seem pretty obvious that a waiter knows what they need to do to pay their rent, and that they probably have themselves to blame if they can't. If internet comments are any indication, most people pay a minimum 15% for even average if…
This is truly the definition of a solution in search of a problem. It solves the problem nobody had of just absolutely having to play your video game, you can play on your PC, on the shitter while dropping a deuce.
Yes I have. It's the equivalent of a .308, which is a reasonably common rifle caliber. I'm not sure what your point is.
Let me reiterate, I don't think it's a 'right' for the govt to unilaterally disarm the american public. I merely said that if the majority of the public felt we didn't need guns, then I wouldn't run for the hills, and start my own 'compound.' I'd go along with it. I have no vested interest in guns, even having…
That's alright, I fought for your right to feel that way. And just to reiterate in case it got lost. I would only be for the removal of guns, IF it was voted for by the populace at large, not decreed by the government.
I accept that. I voice my own opinion based on myself and my own experiences, not anybody elses.