
I'm really thrown off about Ray after the dialysis scene. First, peritoneal dialysis patients are almost always lying down. Also, Ray's breakfast is the polar opposite of a renal diet - high sodium and protein would cause him to feel ill. Plus, eating that food while what looks like 10 liters of fluid are being

Lincoln is pining - or pegging - but not pinning.

Does anyone know the name or artist of the Golden Gate Bridge painting in the Figgis Agency office?

So Apple, after not releasing a new (not updated) product since Jobs hitched a ride on Hale-Bopp, pins their latest bid for relevance on a foul mouthed black frat?

Snyder's cuter.

Perhaps as an apology to Will? Hannibal seems surprised at his reaction to Margot's abortion/radical hysterectomy.

Fuller said a few weeks back in the walkthrough that dogs wouldn't be killed on the show.

Um, are you waiting for an actual chemical formula for T.A.H.I.T.I.? Cuz I'm pretty sure it's not real. They gave a suitable comic book version of an explanation, replete with evil machinery, screaming, and alien blood. 'Nuff said.

Ahem, Ms. Smarty Pants.

Ouch; truly, truly wounded by your insults.
The point I'm trying to make is that the level of discourse about the possible rape of one white girl with money and power seems a little outsized. Both Cersei and Jaime are horrible characters who do horrible things to others. Cersei wounded Jaime upon his return then tried

No; you want Jaime to be sympathetic. Significant difference.

First: These discussions indicate that it wasn't clearly rape.

I bet those scenes were significantly shorter than actually being raped. So, your discomfort is both noted and irrelevant.

You probably shouldn't be commenting on the expert review.

Or it's trying to show the complexity of Jaime's character, which seems to outdistance the 2D thinking of most reviewers. Many male characters on this show have been involved in some form of rape, be it forced or paid (itself a form of economic rape and oppression). Why all the concern for the blonde girl with money?

Right….so the guy who was introduced pushing an 8yo out a window after popping one off on his sister's tits is *now* sympathetic? Let's forgive the rape then, too.
I think most people - including Todd - are upset bc their Jaime crush has been violated, not Cersei's c*nt (which, fyi, is the name of my favorite lesbian

Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape.

Congrats! You're now eligible for a higher state!

The antivax crowd is like a combination of Scientology and Ayn Rand - let the chattel bear the burden of your fabulousness!

You should move to the Bay area and hang out at Berkeley Bowl sometime. The parade of self-righteous grey haired idiots completely lacking skeletal muscle is quite an inspiration. I like to walk around the store eating a Slim Jim and mercilessly mocking the clerks when they ask if I need help with my bags.