Shane MacPhee

ignores the fact that sprint has free mobile to mobile which means most of us could do with only 450 minutes since only landline minutes actually count. this makes sprint even cheaper

they probably stuck with it to avoid fragmentation, not because its the perfect size. I'm sure one day, apple will make a phone with a larger screen.

by increasing they prices since the only people that actually need to use mail mail now would probably also be willing to pay higher price to get their mail out. if they need to use mail, they will pay the slightly higher price. that's the logic i'm using.

no, i think they should break even at the very least or run like a non-profit. In other words, invest the money earned back into the company or government in this case.

if the postal service is loosing money, they are doing something severely wrong. How ups and fedex make load of money while the postal service continues to loose money. there's not that large of a difference. If you are not making enough money per envelope to make your money back, then increase the damn prices (on

i like chrome and firefox, but firefox remains my number one (on a mac at least). There's just little things that i like about it more. I do feel like chrome may be a tiny bit faster, but firefox's tiny advantages add up to more for me.

basketball is not my thing. the only time i watched was back when they won. I only care during playoff if they actually have a chance at winning the championship. Otherwise, i could give 2 shits about the pistons and the sport. Haven't watched any basketball game throughout in 2-3 years probably.

edit: double post

real or fake, i hope they dont do the recent apps like that. There's gotta be a better way for a phone. I dont mind it on honeycomb cause it only takes a small portion of the screen and you can see multiple running apps. On a phone though, you can barely see 2 running apps at a time.

but if you wanted say, 10 channels how much would that cost? i could by with that. currently i would have the buy basic+ or something like that just to watch a few channel i might actually want.

after being a proponent of XMB for sometime, im ready for a change now. It needs some liveliness. the in game xmb is even worse

i know, it would work for me though :p

i like the idea of mini packaging. Like say local only will be the base and then you can add categories from there.

this still can keep competition alive among the networks, while potentially lowering the cost to consumers to get the channels they actually want.

hmm, I have a felling that this will be bad for the android ecosystem. If amazon is doing what it seems like theyre doing, then it looks like they are forking off thier own version of android and will start maintaining thier own firmware completely separate from android. In the future, this could make apps not fully

The problem with putting it in a pill is that would actually make it dangerous. the reason it is not dangerous (short term anyway) is because its pretty much impossible to overdose on because you cant smoke enough to OD. If it was in pill form, you would be able to take too many and risk death. Food could solve that

thats the guideline for recommended calories/day

should have opened it to the public, they killed all of the hype

dont know about this thing, but i hate using the magic mouse. Apple is the last company i look to for mice. trackpads on the other hand...

so your saying since only one building went down and it wasnt messy someone had to of done it on purpose? if they did it on purpose (the government that is), why would there care about collateral damage?