Shane L. McCauley

Oliver Stone's Planet of the Apes starring Swarzennegger is mine

Doesn't it feel good to live in an age where we can all just unashamedly love Keanu?

I read one of his BSG novels and enjoyed it.

I have no idea who this is or what this is about. Yay me.

Who the fuck is he anyway?

Not much of a surprise. They are both in league with Satan, and not Fun Satan either.

A couple of misguided forays = a dozen years lost in the wilderness. But for a brief 3 or 4 years he was my favorite new film maker. I certainly WANT this to be good.

I am afraid because I know I don't want to live in a future Mel Brooks doesn't live in. Please stay alive Mel.


Fair point. I think Boris came to mind because he looks like a bridge troll.

As an American with little knowledge of Saville he came off as the bastard child of Boris Johnson and Donald Trump

God help me I just don't care

Coming up next: the Tony Awards starring Hal Linden and Tyne Daly!

Dean Winters says hi.

Ray Stevenson!

You are misinformed

Fair enough

Its okay. You are both wrong.

It's just a little place.

He was right to do it