Shane L. McCauley

This is as it should be.

Never think you were alone in that

And dumped a bunch of shit on a street full of strangers

All of a sudden I do too

For your eyes only at the drive-in

Now THAT'S a premier!

Commander Koenig was a pretty big deal to me as a young nerd in the late 70s

Landau was a genre great.

1) this the column is the best thing going on in this site right now
2) I've never heard of this movie so I cannot wait to get it and see it


Up voted for Victor Buono love


Whereupon you will find the terrifying Black Beast of Arrrrrrrr

Everyone should

Now I know what John Simm playing Zathras would look like.



I thought that guy was just a meme.

I got an AT-ST for Christmas 83 when I was 14. 4 years later I was stashing my pot in it at college. Good times.