Shane Danielsen

The 2 Broke Girls pilot gave me piles.

Thanks for spelling bogan the right way. Someone tried to correct me recently: 'Nah, mate – it's B-O-G-U-N.' They were, of course, themselves a bogan.

Er . . . no.

Couldn't agree more. It put every US blockbuster to shame. And Dong-seok Ma is a fucking legend.

I love Assayas, and was puzzled how nothing in that film felt quite true to me (except Stewart's performance). This one, though, just held me; it kept me consistently off-balance, intrigued and surprised.

. . . Mind you, I think 'Toni Erdmann' is an overlong, one-joke bore, so clearly I'm on the wrong side of history, at this festival. (Though I do believe that film's a textbook example of a typical Cannes condition: certain films being hysterically over-praised by retweet-hungry critics, without the time and space to

She's a fantastic actress, and she's superb in this. Which for me, while odd, struck a lot fewer false notes than did 'Clouds of Sils Maria'.

Ayse Hassan is one of the best bass players I think I've ever seen. She's astonishing.

I've only seen the original once (mostly because I haven't felt like putting myself through it again), but I thought it was absolutely fantastic: really provocative, thoughtful stuff—as this review notes—in the guise of a genre flick.

I imagine Megyn Kelly has been using these two weeks to look for another job, at another network, having felt to have been sold out by Roger Ailes. And given her slickly professional performance as a moderator, I'm sure she's fielding no shortage of offers right now.

It's a good read (the description of Toronto, in particular)—though I do get a little weary of this 'helpless man-child' persona that so many pop-culture writers feel obliged to take on: falling out of bed at a wake-up call, unable to operate an elevator, perpetually socially awkward . . . It might be true, but my god

'and kills and herself and Harry' … 'This isn't from Black Mirror's weakest outing' … I know it's the holidays—and I get the internet-driven race to be first —but could someone maybe sub these pieces? It's bad enough that I disagree with your review (this is far from minor BM, I think), without also feeling like I

Yeah, a SIGNIFICANTLY less convoluted way.