“It’s one of the reasons I ended up not going into my degree’s field of work, because the “lad” culture even at uni was obnoxious as fuck.”
“It’s one of the reasons I ended up not going into my degree’s field of work, because the “lad” culture even at uni was obnoxious as fuck.”
And ~50% of the population still can’t work out why the “frat house” culture of CompSci and software development is a really terrible thing.
It was actually a smart, calculated move. Since it was a symbolic dollar, she immediately forestalled every argument that she was “just doing it for the money.” For that matter she paid her own legal bills as well, I believe. She literally and exactly used her wealth and privilege to reduce it to an admission of…
Joke’s on him, because Sacajawea coins are awesome.
You just know she ran right out and got a $10,000 Tiffany’s frame to display it in her extremely twee apartment.
He probably thinks that a Sacajawea coin is an insult, the same way Trump likes to sling around Pocahontas.
I was raised by right-wingers. Escaped a cult. Only one of my family that did.
10 points to the Hogwarts house of your choice for the Frankie reference.
Amy was The Worst and I am still not over Laurie marrying her.
Does everyone think Amy is utterly unforgivable for burning Jo’s book, or does she just seem that way to me because I’m a big sister and have written book manuscripts?
I’m curiosly not envious.
Growing up we had 3 cats and a terrier dog. The cats never caught a single mouse, but that dog always found and nabbed any mouse that found it’s way inside.
Rodents leave scent trails that other rodents follow to find entry points into a house. You can trap or kill many, many of them without getting rid of the infestation because new ones will keep coming in. The key is block the entry points!
he suddenly morphed without pause from being a sickly looking preteen to being a flabby, disreputable looking middle aged man
side note, but who else totally forget that paul rudd was paris?!
Nice swan
He looks like a girl. I think young girls liked him back in the day because he was soft and innocuous. Either that, or you’re all latent lesbians.
Yes. That is it exactly. He looks like the saltiest, sea-dogged three year old.
When people first started imploring us to weigh in on the Open Source Boob Project we had this scary image of a…