
Aside from all the awful not fun-ness, I’m curious about the P&P take, because it seems very much misplaced in this context. Elizabeth literally did the opposite of that. She hard-passed a real chance of wealth and security despite her own likelihood of poverty and having no fallback because it would have been with a

I’m with “Ask a Manager” (excellent read) on this one. In a perfect world, why you call out of work should not require this much detail. No workplace should need to know about your migraines, your diarhea, your running sore on your nose, your bum knee flaring up, or any other details. “My apologies, I’m unwell today.

Jesus, how gross and awful. I’m sorry, I honestly thought it was just another creative direction decision prioritizing celeb shit above other content.

Kitchenette goes, Pissing Contest goes, but Dirt Bag is apparently not going anywhere.

Ahh, the ol’ burden of Eve. Yet again something to thank the Patriarchy for.

A call from a doctors office for follow up I can understand to make you aware of the risks once they notice the problem... But WTF is this nonsense about calling social agencies and somehow escalating to GETTING POLICE OFFICERS ARRESTING THEM? Like, where did the disconnect happen? How was this not a conversation when

Is this a new album or a pregnancy announcement?

Sorry I’m late back to the party! I agree that when addicts commit a crime, obviously there are legal consequences (though I still support seeing addiction as a factor that should be considered for sentencing focused on rehabilitation and support, taken in context with their relatuve crime, its damage, and its victims)

Is there an international body that regulates/connects etc all licensed flight? Can these people just be straight banned from air travel after an incident like this? Is flight a ‘right’? If you can drive or book an ocean liner spot, have fun, but your ass is never going on a plane ever again? Can we do that? Or, if

Legal ramifications such as what, though? Then you get into just punishing addicts for their addiction, which does nothing, and any law taking pregnancy into account inherently punishes women more (are they going to find Mr. Meth and charge him for being high and impregnating someone unfit to carry it?). The only

I literally just wrapped the Wolf Hall set, and enjoyed the shit out of them. I’m on a kick now, and back to Phillipa Gregory to scratch the itch, but after Mantel it just feels fluffy and gossipy. Anyone have any good recommendations for an impromptu historical fiction thread?

I empathize with your struggle. I don’t think I can call myself “pro” death penalty (and I’m Canadian, so I don’t need to worry about it politically, at least right now) but I do understand the impulse as a culture to have a reckoning, and I don’t know that it will ever go away. What I really wish is that we didn’t

I once spent two and a half hours wringing my brain like a sponge to recall ‘Kelsey Grammar’ and ‘John Lithgow’. I think the conversation was centred on unusual names, but I flatly refused to google, and now those two actors are burnt into my consciousness to the extent that one day I’ll be muttering about Xmen and

Another deeply important thought - they are all holding glasses of sparkling wine - a beverage typically served chilled - with their full hands wrapped around the body of the flute, and not the stem. WTF? That is a recipe for lukewarm bubbles my ladies.

Yep, ABC all the way. (Anybody But Carrie). The other were way more real, and had comparatively real narrative arcs (cancer, infertility, divorce, caring for a family member with dementia) Carries problems were basically “I have a new rich lover! Oh, I don’t anymore. How are y’all doing?” Her character was an empty

Oh, good, that’s such a nice realistic take that friendships naturally fall off and I’m glad they maturely -

What happened to Pissing Contest? I always read them out loud to partner and we’d howl. Why does the random celebrity stuff and incessant videos of Drew Barrymore stick around but pissing contest and that kitchen one die off?

I wonder if Patrizia has seen The Crown yet.

Came here to say this, you said it better! Louder for the back, this is not “Abortion Pills” this is “Medicine for my body and not anyone’s damn business Pills”.