Shana DC

But she makes it pretty clear to her men they aren't *just* going to rescue Theon, they are going to avenge the honor of the Iron Born. Ramsay dishonored them all when he mutilated Theon's baby maker. Even if she saw her brother as a lost cause, that, if anything, should have made her even more pissed and wanting to

For me what is missing is the original Dario's swagger. The actor just oozed it from his pores. The new Dario, while I think he's fine, just does not have that natural cockiness of the old one. He came close in the combat scene with the Master's champion, but outside that one scene I haven't seen that inherent self

That's a good point, I had forgotten how against the ropes Tywin was at the time Shae and Tyrion met, as opposed to him now being at home in King's Landing manipulating everyone around him on a personal level.

My husband: Wait, do the dogs have guns? No? Then I really don't see what the problem is here.

Ha! Good point, I'd forgotten that entirely. The fact they've dragged on this Theon thing for so long, built up the rescue so much, then have that ridiculous rescue attempt scene only one episode after that lecture by the Hound, leaves the impression that the writers are trolling us with this story line.

yeah that was a super let down after all the badass sister build up.

I can see that as well. She was hired to trick him, but actually developed feelings for him, and her anger at him is more about her projecting her own betrayal onto him to try and assuage her own guilt.

Oh I definitely think this info was all fed to her by the Lannisters, I just don't feel that she testified due to threats. I felt (from her demeanor at the trial), like she wanted to bring him down and was happy to oblige, or she's been working for Tywin the whole time and never really loved Tyrion.

Personally, I didn't feel like her testimony was under duress. She didn't testify like Varys, who seemed reluctant and not particularly happy about doing so. She seemed to be enjoying herself, and she just was acting so bitter and spiteful towards Tyrion, particularly with that "I'm just a whore, remember?" line. I


This isn't to do with this episode, but a general question: Who is running the North right now? What with the Starks all dead or dispersed, and Winterfell in ruins, is anyone ruling the roost right now, or are they basically in a state of anarchy? It's been annoying me that King's Landing hasn't addressed how they are