
I know I sound like a bitch but when will men learn to lock their fucking doors for the safety of the women in their lives? Bad people DO actually go around neighborhoods checking doors to see if they are locked. Jesus Christ. This really really pisses me off.


I think Jay would have needed access to a private home or apartment to commit the murder and leave the body sitting undisturbed for 10 hours. He lived with his grandma and parents and siblings so his place is out of the question, plus he was the breadwinner for the family so no one worked besides him. On the other

Plus he didn’t call the cops back until 1am that day. Like, if your gf had plans with you, was really excited about them, never showed up, you got a message from the cops about them being missing at 7pm...would you wait until 1am to call back?

Crimestoppers Reward $$$

It just hit me that The Matrix was probably the first overt message of misanthropy that I heard as a kid. It stuck with me. For better or worse, I really despise my species.

NOPE. No one has learned anything because these clowns have been too busy revising textbooks to suit their white supremacy over the past 20 years or so.

Thank you. I don’t understand the outrage. 17 is totally old enough to consent. I should know, I was the 16 year old girl banging out dudes in their twenties. And it was tight - 100% awesome and I would do it again if I had a time machine. I understand the Subway Jared shit because he was exploiting girls who were

It’s extremely physically addictive. Detox can cause seizures and death, similar to alcohol withdrawal. Contrary to public opinion, heroin detox cannot kill you. But benzos can. Plus, people usually forget and mix them with alcohol which is a great way to accidentally kill yourself. Honestly, I would suggest going to

Bars = Blackouts. They are the best.

To be fair, Euronymous was an insufferable asshole. Burzum > Mayhem 4eva

Dude I just left my job last week partly because of this article and realizing I hated it so bad. I’m FREE! And yes, I had the same phone aversion. So glad you got out too. :D

This article actually led to my decision to walk out of my job last week. Best decision I could have made. It was completely unrelated to my career and a waste of time.

1. Let me take the lead. Do not interrupt. Have appropriate information in front of you ready to go.

I ask them if they would demand their mortgage provider move their stuff into their new home. Or if they would call their car dealership for directions. Because that’s what they are doing.

I have the same issue. I have had a major relapse of my depression and PTSD because of my job as well as developing some awful back issues, issues with memory and weight gain from the constant surges of cortisol. Just reading this thread is making my blood boil.

Yep, I’m well known at my company for not having any empathy for the customers. But then again, why should I? They are morons & I just can’t put myself in the shoes of someone who doesn’t know how to type a web address into a browser. I’m not apologizing for their difficulties.

lol ‘i’m taking my business elsewhere’. yeah go take your $12 a year subscription somewhere else and watch our company disintegrate. what a lack of understanding of their importance.

That’s the biggest fucking cop out. I would rather have someone just freak out and be a dick, then apologize rather than someone say “hey I know how I’m about to treat you is wrong but I’m going to do it anyways because my email is more important than honoring your humanity”. Grow up, everyone has to experience

YES! It’s most likely that the caller has caused their own problems!