
And millions who co-sign the sexuality behind it....burn this whole weak ass earth with fire

There are plenty of famous musicians who aren't total loons like her. But tbh, I don't even know who Joni Mitchell is outside of "oh my mom likes her?".

Dear War Machine,

I'd rather be a pretty rich white woman over a black man in America any day. "I'd pick white every time" -Louis CK

the ideal male aesthetic imho


His new record is actually pretty good! I say this not as a MM fan but a Sisters of Mercy fan.

Chunks don't really happen when you use tampons round the clock.

That's the only way I know I've done my best.

The show puts into eloquent words the reality of being a woman and that's difficult for a man to comprehend. Especially when they think they are one of the good ones. I think about running into a Paul Spector daily. My boyfriend doesn't think there's anything wrong with leaving the front door unlocked.

Oh absolutely. I'm obsessed with it. I've watched it about 3 times over, going to watch it again this week. Jaime Dornan Uber Alles.

Seriously, I was in tears after that.

No, Paul Spector's character was based off BTK in Kansas who lived a very normal life as a loving father and husband and president of his church council. Sociopaths tend to use people as props but it's not as simple as that. Look at Gary Ridgway, his murders decreased after he got married. It's not as if these people

I'm applying for law schools now and you just gave me hope for decent employment when I come out the other side. xo

It's about "punching up" at the status quo, rather than the "punching down" that Christians seem to adore. It's ridiculous to think about non-believers and free thinkers shunning believers' children because we don't actually want to exclude believers from society or work tirelessly to strip them of their human rights.

Not to mention all the sexual assaults that go unreported because victims know they won't be taken seriously anyways.

I immediately thought, "I'd watch Jon Hamm pitch this to me and then throw money at his beautiful face."

They are all city names. That's the point.


It's fan fiction which means its target audience is very bland people who want to fantasize about an alternate reality where someone not bland would bang them. Tbh, I'm not going to see it and I didn't read the book. I just fap to The Fall where Jaime plays an actual sexual sadist.