
I figured she was on the bus out of town and we'd never see her again!

I figured she was on the bus out of town and we'd never see her again!

I figured she was on the bus out of town and we'd never see her again!

I figured she was on the bus out of town and we'd never see her again!

I figured she was on the bus out of town and we'd never see her again!

I figured she was on the bus out of town and we'd never see her again!

I figured she was on the bus out of town and we'd never see her again!

I figured she was on the bus out of town and we'd never see her again!

I figured she was on the bus out of town and we'd never see her again!

I figured she was on the bus out of town and we'd never see her again!

I figured she was on the bus out of town and we'd never see her again!

I figured she was on the bus out of town and we'd never see her again!

Normally I have a keen ear for corny. The reason why I bought this particular scene was because of that night he was sitting outside on the front lawn super late at night. He was talking a bit crazy then too, so this went along with it for me. The whole talking to Reagan thing is surreal by default anyway.

You know, sometimes I just love the internet and its people. Who knew there'd be a Wikipedia article on Quebec French profanity. You learn something new EVERY DAY.

Please do share some of this poetic swearing in Canadian French.

Littlefinger intends to marry Sansa still. That's when I thought he said he wanted to be King in the North. He waits for the Boltons and Barratheons to kill each other off, rides in the the Knights of the Vale.

The other thing, though, is that Sansa had been extraordinarily lucky in this regard. Saved by the Hound in the hallway when all hell broke loose at King's Landing, saved from the horror of Joffrey by his untimely death (Joffrey might have been even worse than Ramsay, who knows), and then saved by Tyrion developing a

And all I have to say is Adebisi! Is not dead!

When that happened, I figured no way Theon's still in there. Reek is all that's left, because that was his one last chance.

That crap literally turned my stomach. Here's to F'lay of Ramsey Bolton on the menu some time in the near future!