I feel like something about him making $30M just last year might have something to do with his inability to play a struggling comic as effectively as he used to.
I feel like something about him making $30M just last year might have something to do with his inability to play a struggling comic as effectively as he used to.
VRV is short for digital versatile disc.
I thought it was more of an homage to Lullaby. I read the article out loud to my family and now they're all dead.
And then after you've done that - telling us which party is "responsible" for the KKK 150 years ago — feel free to ignore which candidate the KKK actually supported less than one year ago.
Ooh ooh! Now can you tell us which political party started the KKK?
"getting the issue solved" =/= nuclear war
Yeah, that's what I thought, you fraud. Suck my cock. And swallow.
buttery males
Free will had nothing to do with this election. Trumpeteers didn't vote for Trump based on free will. Their retarded (I am using that word in its correct scientific form), lizard brains are so delighted at "getting back at liberals" that they couldn't help but vote against the clear choice that would make this country…
And my cat likes to play with yarn.
Understood. I admit I haven't heard Bernout much (I always hear "Bernie Bros" to describe that type of person). I just figured somebody here was hip to my love of Bernie Sanders, smoking weed, and dropping out of college.
As a Bernout myself (donated $750 to his campaign, but who voted for Clinton when the time came), I can assuredly tell you that there is a difference between the two.
Haha hey fellas get a load of the Trump supporter whining about facts over hea
Watch out! You're about to provoke him into one of those "And liberals STILL don't know why they lost the election" diapers.
Answer my question you pile of shit.
Yeah, I didn't want to insult him in case he's still learning English, but yeah. That's some bad shit there.
That the threat of a nuclear war is better? Than, what… a private email server? Are you serious?
This, as always, is a good reminder why good conservative comedy simply does not exist in any tangible form.