Sham Sith

There is true freedom in letting go completely.

haha people who eat fast food are worthless fat pigs

Having just watched The Founder last night, and this video now, I believe I know where I will be heading for lunch today.

Isn't that the more noble pursuit?

Please don't leave out Stormin' Norman the longshoreman foreman

They both ripped off the idea from Art Garfunkel and his daughter Harmunkle.

Yeah the whole thing is wonderful. But strangely, I like the odd-numbered tracks considerably more than I like the even-numbered ones, up and down the whole album.

Yeah you're right, Pyramid Song has that bizarre 9/8 time signature. Fun to play on the piano when I can get the timing right.

It's funny you say that, I actually look at Present Tense as being a spiritual sequel to Reckoner. It's my favorite song on the new album.

Did anybody help him out? No!

It's my favorite album of theirs, even if I acknowledge that some other albums are better.

Greatest modern band.

I think it's more back-loaded in my opinion - I think Electric Blue/Good God Damn/Put Your Money On Me is the strongest run of songs on the album.

Right, I'm supposed to believe this data when every poll said Hillary had a 100% chance of winning the election

I posted about this earlier; they're working on it.

Perfecto. Thanks for the quick response!

Off-topic: Anybody else getting mysterious audio playing on certain articles on this page? I can't find the source execpt for the fact that it's playing on this page. It's happened on a few other articles here today too. I haven't changed browsers, ad block settings, anything. No idea what's going on.

Fun fact: All of Bjork's albums make fine tinder, especially if you're lost in the woods, or bored, or enjoy music.

Biggest upper arms since Alabama Shakes.

"lol libertarians are idiots"