Why in god's name would you watch a show with so many white people in it? And comment on an article a year and a half after publication?
Why in god's name would you watch a show with so many white people in it? And comment on an article a year and a half after publication?
Man, The Shawshank Redemption is so fucking good.
One of my favorite memories as a child was watching Beetlejuice that my dad had taped for us off of HBO. It was in the 80's so they still had that flying-over-the-model-town intro you're talking about, and then the movie proper starts with a title sequence… featuring another model town. I always loved that.
I'm not racist, you're the racist!
I'm still waiting for one of these anchors to get so fed up that they just go full Howard Beale.
Britta Perry: We're talking about freedom of speech! It's the amendment so important it's literally the first one they remembered to add!
Yeah, I don't use that method myself, I've only heard about it online. As far as the XKCD comic, I'm not convinced that's better, but if he says it then I guess it's true. The problem though is there's so many different permutations of what websites will allow as a password it's so hard to find a one-size fits all,…
Haha yes, I most certainly did. Thanks.
I only just now realized how outdated the "technology" presented in the HBO intro/outro pages are. Not only do you hardly see static like that anymore, you certainly don't see the image flatten and expand/contract the way they animate it. Time for an update, HBO.
I've heard of one method that works pretty well:
But considering you probably already live a life where driving a car is a rarity, why not make an exception for some of the most beautiful coastline on the planet?
I prefer to use the term "xland" so that nobody gets offended.
Yeah, truly there are few things better than seeing a band you love at a place like the Hollywood Bowl or the Greek Theater. LA is perfect for outdoor performances like that. SF… not so much.
Try flying into Hollywood-Burbank sometime instead of LAX. Just that move alone will increase your enjoyment by a factor of 2.
Excellent. More superhero shit.
Eh, you might want to consider your source. Bay Area people can be insufferable snobs. LA is fine, if you already live in California, visit it once before you die.
We're sadly at a point now where threats of the AV Club moving to Kinja are roughly on par with conservatives' fears that Obummer was coming to take their guns.
God help us, we're in the hands of engineers.
The thing that makes me cringe the most is when somebody in line to order food or sitting at a table talking to their server goes "Lemme get…" instead of "May I have..". Who the fuck says "lemme get"?
The Atlantic had a piece on that a few years ago: https://www.theatlantic.com…